From January 2015: The term 'Humanism' is often seen as synonymous with atheism. But a Theos report titled: 'The case for Christian Humanism: why Christians should be Humanists and Humanists should be Christians' claimed to show that atheism is ill-e...
Even in a time of culture wars and controversy about everything, there are few subjects as difficult to discuss as transgender rights. In less than a decade the number of young people identifying as trans has exploded, and with it the number of argum...
From January 2015. In 1960 physicist Eugene Wigner wrote a paper on the ‘unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics’. Christian philosopher William (Bill) Lane Craig was developing arguments concerning the ‘applicability’ of mathematics as evidence fo...
From Porn Star to Pastor: Joshua Broome's Journey of Redemption Joshua Broome in conversation with Billy Hallowell This week Premier Unbelievable delves into the extraordinary life transformation of Joshua Broome. In this gripping interview we...
From 2014. Christian philosopher Prof Keith Ward and atheist philosopher of science Michael Ruse debate some of the issues raised by the DVD documentary series The God Question. It explores whether advances in science are undermining or supporting be...
Is the occult just harmless fun? Or are there hidden dangers to alternative spirituality, satanism, and even new-age practices? Increasingly the debate is not about good vs evil but my truth vs your truth. Ex-psychic Jenn Nizza tells the story of her...
In light of renowned New York pastor and author Tim Keller’s recent death on May 19th 2023, we wanted to revisit this interview he did with Justin Brierley from Easter 2014. Tim talked to Justin and answered listener questions about his life, faith a...
Given the huge interest in our recent Big Conversation debate between Bart Ehrman and Justin Bass, on the evidence for the Resurrection, we're revisiting a pivotal debate from 2009: Bart Ehrman's first appearance on Unbelievable?, debating Peter J Wi...
Join us on Unbelievable presented by Ruth Jackson as we delve into the extraordinary life and work of the late Dr. Timothy J. Keller, a humble yet ambitious church leader who shaped faith in the modern world. Tim Keller's impact extends far beyond hi...
Get ready for a riveting episode of Unbelievable? part of our ongoing series Rights of Life and Death. Today in The Abortion Debate: Life, Equality, and Choice, we're diving headfirst into the contentious and thought-provoking topic of abortion. W.....
Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss met in Australia for 3 public dialogues on the existence of God in 2013. They joined Justin Brierley to reflect on the value of the events and the way it was carried.....
Should anyone be eligible for medical assistance in dying? "Choosing Death: Assisted Dying, Assisted Suicide, Murder – Who Decides?" Should the power to decide be granted to everyone when it comes to medical assistance in dy...
From the archives. A DVD documentary series The God Question explored whether advances in science were undermining or supporting belief in God. Christian thinker Prof John Lennox and atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss debated some of the issues rais.....
In 2019, Justin Brierley swapped his moderator’s chair for being a debater in a live show recorded in front of a student audience at Oxford University. He engaged atheist Stephen Woodford who runs the YouTube channel Rationality Rules on the questi.....
From the archives. J Warner Wallace is a homicide detective specialising in cold case murder investigations. In his book Cold Case Christianity he shows how the same tools of investigating evidence can show that the Gospels are trustworthy accounts.....