
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Angels, visions and near death encounters - Dale C Allison on whether skeptics can take religious experiences seriously

16 Sep 2022

From rapturous joy to inexplicable terror, angelic encounters to near death experiences, New Testament scholar Dale Allison has researched a wide range of phenomena in his new book 'Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age'. He t.....

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II - NT Wright, Gavin Ashenden & Ruth Jackson

9 Sep 2022

As the world marks the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Justin Brierley presents a special edition of Unbelievable? speaking to New Testament scholar NT Wright about his memories of the queen when he preached for her as Bishop of Durham. Former chaplai.....

Classic Replay: Is the Catholic Church the one true church?

6 Sep 2022

Some of the key differences between Catholic and Protestant doctrine were explored in a friendly dialogue in this show from the archives. Roman Catholic Peter D Williams and Protestant pastor David Robertson debated The Pope, Sola Scriptura and jus.....

Are the public ready to move beyond the science vs faith conflict? Nick Spencer & Katherine Mathieson

2 Sep 2022

Katherine Mathieson, director of the Royal Institution and Nick Spencer of Theos discuss the recent report 'Science and Religion: Moving away from the shallow end', which surveyed the British public's attitudes towards science and faith. They explo.....

Classic Replay: Egalitarian vs Complementarian views on men & women

30 Aug 2022

A controversial blog post by Jared Wilson, quoting pastor Doug Wilson on the role of men and women in sex reignited the debate between complementarians and egalitarians. Our guests on this episode from the archives were: Rachel Held Evans: .....

The 2 men who invented the war between science & faith - Tim O’Neill, Dave Hutchings & James Ungureanu

26 Aug 2022

  Podcast version: In the 19th Century John Draper and Andrew White conjured up one of the most successful and enduring myths of the modern world - the supposed historical conflict between science and faith.   Justin explores their .....

Podcast special: Unapologetic - former NFL player Derwin Gray’s conversion

23 Aug 2022

We continue to bring you taster episodes of our wide range of Premier Unbelievable podcasts during August. Our newest podcast 'Unapologetic' offers weekly conversations with leading Christian thinkers, apologists and evangelists. In this episode Ju.....

Why is God hidden? Cosmic Skeptic & Lukas Ruegger at Oxford University with Max Baker-Hytch

19 Aug 2022

Why doesn't God seem to reveal himself to people who are open and seeking him?   Recorded at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, atheist Alex O'Connor (aka Cosmic Skeptic) and Christian apologist Lukas Ruegger join Justin discuss the hiddene.....

Podcast special: The CS Lewis podcast - Alister McGrath on Surprised By Joy

16 Aug 2022

During August we are profiling some of the other great podcasts from Premier Unbelievable? In this taster episode from the CS Lewis Podcast with Alister McGrath, he opens up 'Surprised By Joy', the autobiography of Lewis' conversion.   Subs.....

My bipolar experience: Can Christianity offer a better approach to depression?

12 Aug 2022

Author and academic James Mumford recently wrote an article for The New Atlantis magazine about his experience undergoing therapy at a clinic for bipolar disorder and his concerns about its value neutral approach. He engages with psychologist Roger.....

Podcast special: Ask NT Wright Anything - Surprised By Hope

9 Aug 2022

Justin presents a mid-week taster episode of our popular Ask NT Wright Anything podcast. This episode saw Tom Wright answer listener questions about salvation and new creation from his popular book 'Surprised By Hope'.   Subscribe to the As.....

Is Progressive Christianity a false gospel? Randal Rauser & Doug Groothuis

5 Aug 2022

Theologian Randal Rauser defends 'progressive' Christians such as Rob Bell, Richard Rohr and Brian Mclaren, against 'heresy hunters' in his new book 'Progressive Christians Love Jesus Too' a response to Alisa Childers' book 'Another Gospel?'. .....

Podcast special: Matters of Life and Death - The James Webb Telescope & Cosmology

2 Aug 2022

Justin introduces a taster episode of 'Matters Of Life And Death' one of Premier Unbelievable's new podcast offerings, presented by Christian bioethecist John Wyatt and his journalist son Tim. As the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope.....

Mikhaila Peterson & Jon McCray (Whaddo You Meme) • Are Millennials and Gen Z ready to believe in God?

29 Jul 2022

The Big Conversation - Episode 6 | Season 4 Almost half of Millenials and Gen Z in the USA identify as 'nones' (having no religious affiliation). Mikhaila Peterson who runs a popular Youtube channel and Podcast talks about her own recent journe.....

Classic Replay: The Young Atheist’s Handbook: Alom Shaha vs Tom Price

26 Jul 2022

From the archives: Alom Shaha grew up in a Muslim background in London but became an atheist in his teens. Now a science teacher he has written about that journey in his book "The Young Atheist's Handbook". He chatted with Tom Price of...