
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

God Is Stranger: a Christian and agnostic on the search for faith – Krish Kandiah and Tom Newman

12 Jul 2019

Krish Kandiah is a theologian, activist and author of books including ‘God is Stranger: What happens when God turns up?’ which has been nominated for this year’s Michael Ramsey Prize. Tom Newman is an agnostic who ’tries on’ Christianity in a new pod...

Youth special: Kids ask questions about God – David Robertson and Hannah Timson respond

5 Jul 2019

Kids ask great questions. Ahead of the youth stream at Unbelievable? The Conference 2019, Justin interviews some young people about their questions for God. Rev David Robertson and humanist Hannah Timson give their responses.   Plus, Ruth Jackson of...

Should Christians rethink disability and healing? Damon Rose, Zoe Heming and Ian Paul

28 Jun 2019

Damon Rose produced a BBC radio documentary and article about his experience of being a blind non-believer who is sometimes approached by Christians to pray for his healing. The article ‘Stop Trying To Heal Me’ has produced a lively conversation abou...

The sacking of Israel Folau - guilty of a foul or victim of religious censorship? Laurence Wilkinson and Nick Heath

21 Jun 2019

International sporting star Israel Folau was sacked by Rugby Australia after sharing an image on his Instagram and Twitter that read: ‘Warning - Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolators. Hell Awaits You. Repen...

Is abortion a human right? Ryan Christopher vs Barbara Ntumy

14 Jun 2019

Recent pro-life legislation in certain US states has reignited the debate about access to abortion. In the UK activists are lobbying for abortion to be decriminalised in Northern Ireland. So, is abortion a healthcare right? Or should the rights of th...

The limits of the universe and science – Marcelo Gleiser and Stacy Trasancos

7 Jun 2019

Astrophysicist Marcelo Gleiser was recently awarded the Templeton Prize for his work in physics and cosmology, and the meaning and mystery in science and faith. As an agnostic, he made headlines by saying that ‘atheism is inconsistent with the scient...

Should we unhitch Christianity from the Old Testament? Andy Stanley vs Jeff Durbin

31 May 2019

Andy Stanley is lead pastor of North Point Ministries, one of the largest churches in the USA. His preaching and new book ‘Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World’ has caused controversy by stating that the Bible should no...

When Faith Fails - Dominic Done and Andrew Whyte on dealing with doubt

24 May 2019

Is doubt the enemy of faith? Dominic Done’s new book ‘When Faith Fails: Finding God in the shadow of doubt’ tells of his own journey of faith and doubt. He engages with ex-believer Andrew Whyte, whose doubts led him to abandon Christianity.  For an e...

Calvinism pt 2 - Does Romans 9 support predestination? James White vs John Cranman

17 May 2019

Romans 9 is one of the key texts used by Calvinists to support the doctrine of individual election - that God predestines people for salvation or damnation. However, John Cranman believes Calvinists are misreading Paul’s words and meaning. He engages...

A Christian and Muslim response to Secularism – James White and Abdullah Al-Andalusi

10 May 2019

Muslim parents in Birmingham recently made headlines for protesting the teaching of LGBT issues in lessons at their primary school. So should Muslims and Christians who share common values join forces to respond to an increasingly secular world? Jame...

Religious Fictionalism: Can you be a believer who doesn’t believe? Kristi Mair and Philip Goff

3 May 2019

Philip Goff attends church even though he doesn’t believe in the doctrines of Christianity. He calls himself a ‘religious fictionalist’, believing that the practise of faith is more important than believing in supernatural claims. Kristi Mair, author...

An agnostic tries church + Pedro Garcia’s conversion to Christianity

26 Apr 2019

In a podcast special Justin introduces the projects of two listeners inspired by the Unbelievable? show. Firstly, the new podcast ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ about agnostic Tom’s search for meaning by immersing himself in Christianity. Then Pedro Garcia...

Are the miracles of Jesus unbelievable? Michael Shermer vs Luuk Vandeweghe

18 Apr 2019

Atheist sceptic Michael Shermer debates Chrisitan apologist Luuk Vandeweghe on whether the miracles of Jesus recorded in the gospels can be treated as historically reliable. The debate was moderated by Justin Brierley of the Unbelievable? show and re...

Did God raise Dr Sean George from the dead? Sean George, Hans Vodder and Bradley Bowen

12 Apr 2019

Recorded live at the North West Miracles Conference, medical doctor Sean George tells his story, along with medical evidence, of how his heart stopped for an hour and 25 minutes, before his wife’s prayer brought him back to life again. Justin intervi...

Does God predetermine everything? Chris Date and Leighton Flowers debate scripture

5 Apr 2019

Chris Date is a Calvinist who believes in the ‘meticulous divine providence’ of a God who predetermines every aspect of the Universe. Leighton Flowers used to be a Calvinist but now believes that God achieves his purposes while allowing genuine human...