
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Explaining your faith (to a church-going atheist) - John Pritchard, Andrew Nightingale & Mark Roques

23 Dec 2014

Rt Revd John Pritchard is the recently retired Bishop of Oxford and the author of 'How to Explain Your Faith'. He joins Justin along with church-going atheist Andrew Nightingale and Christian philosopher and storyteller Mark Roques as they discuss w....

Did Isaiah prophesy a Virgin birth? Alistair McKitterick & Robert Stovold

19 Dec 2014

We hear it every year at Christmas in in our services. Matthew Chapter 1, quoting the prophet Isaiah - "look the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel". Critics say there's a problem: that the Isaiah pa...

Keith Ward and Michael Ruse debate the evidence for God

16 Dec 2014

Keith Ward is the former Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University. His new book “The evidence for God” picks up on various aspects of human experience as proof of a spiritual realm. He is joined by atheist philosopher Michael Ruse for a liv....

The curious case of Eben Alexander: near death and out-of-body experiences

5 Dec 2014

Eben Alexander is a neurosurgeon whose book Proof Of Heaven became a bestseller. It documented his visions of heaven while in a coma which had shut down much of his brain. He joins Justin along with Graham Nicholls, a researcher of Out of Body exper....

Brian McLaren & Andrew Wilson debate Jesus and the Bible

28 Nov 2014

Emerging Church leader Brian McLaren and evangelical leader Andrew Wilson debate whether we need to rethink scripture in a podcast special hosted by Justin. The two debates examine whether we’ve made an idol of the Bible and the way that Jesus rea....

Unbelievable The Flying Spaghetti Monster & New Atheism - Graham Veale & Rory Fenton

25 Nov 2014

Graham Veale is the author of "New Atheism: A Survival Guide" which looks at some of the popular objections of new atheism, including the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' parody of God. Rory Fenton represents Secular Humanist student groups and...

Unbelievable The Conference 2014 highlights show

25 Nov 2014

We hear highlights from this year's Unbelievable? Conference, including the opening address by Os Guinness, Ruth Jackson on reaching young people, Craig Hazen on the resurrection, William Lane Craig & Jeff Zweerink on science and atheism, Jay Smi...

Is the Mormon gospel the Biblical gospel?

25 Nov 2014

Lynn Wilder was a temple-recommend holding Mormon who taught at Brigham Young University in Utah. She describes what led her to abandon the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and embrace Biblical Christianity. Michael Flournoy is a Mormon...

Putting Christianity on Trial – Mark Lanier vs Paul Beaumont

21 Nov 2014

Mark Lanier is a successful US trial lawyer. He’s also a keen theologian and apologist and has used his skills as a lawyer to make the case for Christ in ‘Christianity on Trial’. Paul Beaumont is a former Christian who lost his faith after coming un....

Scientific evidence versus religious belief – Jonathan McLatchie & Elliot George debate

14 Nov 2014

Elliot George is a retired science teacher whose new book “Godbuster: Exorcises all known gods” claims that science is about evidence whereas religion is about ‘belief’(and should therefore be rejected). Jonathan McLatchie is a Christian currently s....

Just War vs Pacifism - Nigel Biggar & Stanley Hauerwas

7 Nov 2014

It's100 years since the outbreak of WWI. Two of the world's leading Christian thinkers on Just War & Pacifism join Justin to discuss their different views on whether war is ever justified. Nigel Biggar is Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Th...

Has defending scripture made us unable to read it? Peter Enns & David Instone-Brewer - Unbelievable?

31 Oct 2014

Bible scholar Peter Enns was fired from his position at Westminster Theological Seminary after his views on scripture were deemed to be too liberal. He has continued to question evangelical views of scripture in his book 'The Bible Tells Me So: Why ....

Meet Tam the witch - A Wiccan & Christian Discuss Halloween

24 Oct 2014

As Halloween approaches Justin meets Tam, a Wiccan who explains what he believes and the significance of Halloween (or Sam'hain) to the witchcraft community. Steve Hollinghurst is a Christian with a ministry to the new age and pagan community. He eng...

Unbelievable? Abort it and try again? Ann Furedi & James Mumford debate abortion and disability

17 Oct 2014

When Richard Dawkins tweeted 'abort it and try again' to a follower who raised a question about pregnancy and Downs Syndrome, there was a public outcry. Yet each year over 1000 pregnancies are terminated in the UK because of screening for Downs Syndr...

Unbelievable? Debating animal suffering and God - Michael Murray vs Phil Harper

10 Oct 2014

Christian Philosopher Michael Murray wrote a book in 2008 making a defence of God in the face of millennia of animal suffering. He presents his arguments to atheist Phil Harper (aka Skydivephil). They also discuss the contentious issue of whether an....