Justin went backstage at the Bethinking Apologetics Conference last week to record a show with one of the speakers - Professor Gary Habermas and an atheist listener to Unbelievable? Geoff Campos. Habermas is Distinguished Professor of Apologetics an....
BOOK NOW: The UK Reasonable Faith Tour is underway! INFO http://www.bethinking.org/craig TICKETS http://www.premier.org.uk/craig Due to popular demand we are releasing an early Special Podcast Edition of the show featuring the full audio of the r.....
Last chance to book: The Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig 17-26 October http://www.premier.org.uk/craig On today's Show: New Testament Scholar David Instone-Brewer and Bible sceptic Ken Humphreys met in a debte at Gunnersbury Baptist Ch....
BOOK NOW: The UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig is one week away 17-26 Oct http://www.premier.org.uk/craig Peter J Williams is the Warden of Tyndale House, Cambridge and a first class scholar of both Old and New Testament. He takes n....
BOOK NOW: The UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig http://www.premier.org.uk/craig Watch the video preview at http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&v=pQifJkVCFaQ On this week's show: We look ahead to the Bethinking National Apologetics...
BOOK NOW: The Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig 17-26 October 2011 http://www.premier.org.uk/craig Peter S Williams is a Christian philosopher and apologist. His latest book Understanding Jesus brings together lines of evidence for a ph....
COMING SOON: Book into the UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig http://www.premier.org.uk.craig Geoff Crocker is a former Christian, now atheist. However, he says he still believes in Spirituality even as an atheist and that believing .....
William Lane Craig is coming to the UK from October 17-26 2011 for a series of debates and lectures countering atheism and presenting strong rational grounds for belief in God. Book now for the Reasonable Faith Tour at http://www.premier.org.uk/crai....
Book Now for October's UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig http://www.premier.org.uk/craig Today's show: Patrick Sookhdeo converted from Islam to Christianity as a young man. He has since gone on to represent the rights of persecuted C....
Bart Ehrman is James A Gray Distingushed Prof of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is well known as a Bible scholar who has thrown doubt upon the reliability of Scripture with bestselling books "Misquoting J...
Rebekah Bennetch lives in Saskatoon, Canada. She grew up in a Christian family. Her dad is a pastor, and other family members are involved in Christian ministries. She professed faith from a young age, went to Bible college, atteneded church and ....
Sceptical Bible scholar Bart Ehrman's latest book "Forged" claims that many of the writings of the New Testament are falsely attributed to apostles such as Peter and Paul. He claims that they were not written by them and that a deliberate...
Critics of Christianity sometimes make the case that Hitler was a Christian and that it influenced the Nazi regime. Is that true? Critics of atheism sometimes make the case that Stalin's atheism was a driving motivation for his murderous regime. ....
On Fri 22 July 2011 tragedy struck Norway as Anders Breivik detonated a bomb in Oslo and shot dozens of people ont he island of Utoya. Soon afterwards news media were referring to Breivik as a "Christian fundamentalist" But was he a Christ...
Recent statistics on abortion in the UK saw just under 190,000 abortions in 2010. Figures were also released for late abortions carried out because of physical and mental disability. Dr. Wendy Savage of Doctors For A Woman's Choice On Abortion has ....