
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Unbelievable? 4 Jun 2011 - Making the resurrection add up

23 Jun 2014

"The Easter Challenge" is regularly issued by atheists and sceptics.  Can Christians provide a coherent account the events of the resurrection of Jesus that harmonises the apparent differences between the four Gospel accounts? Jay Smith is...

Unbelievable? 28 May 2011 - Can Christian morality inform secular society?

23 Jun 2014

Lord Richard Harries is a life peer in the British House of Lords and the former Bishop of Oxford.  His book "The Re-enchantment of Morality" has been shortlisted for this year's Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing. He argues that...

Unbelievable? 21 May 2011 - Is the Bible Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

Former Methodist minister turned atheist Leslie Scrace stopped reading the Bible after he lost his faith.  20 years later he read it again and wrote a book-by-book account of how he views it as an atheist called "An Unbelievers Guide to the Bibl...

Unbelievable? 14 May 2011 - Should women be church leaders?

23 Jun 2014

In 1995 the Church of England allowed the ordination of Women priests.  But the question of whether the Bible forbids female authority in the church remains. Christina Rees serves on the Archbishop's Council and the General Synod.  She advocates for....

Unbelievable? 7 May 2011 - Was Osama Bin Laden the true face of Islam?

23 Jun 2014

With the death of Osama Bin Laden we ask "Did Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam"   Radical Islamist Anjem Choudary who has frequently praised Bin Laden and Al Queada for their acts of terror, joins the discussion.  He says Osama wa...

Unbelievable? 30 Apr 2011 - Emerging Church Debate - Brian McLaren & James White

23 Jun 2014

Brian McLaren is an author, theologian and church leader. He is at the forefront of the "emerging church" and his books such as "A new Kind of Christian" and "A Generous Orthodoxy" have been influential in the moevement...

Unbelievable? 9 Apr 2011 - Is God a Moral Monster? Paul Copan & Norman Bacrac

23 Jun 2014

Richard Dawkins describes the Old Testament God as "a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser" (among other things).  Paul Copan is a Christian apologist and has written a book aiming to show why God's actions in the Old Testament are not...

Unbelievable? 23 Apr 2011 - Rob Bell defends 'Love Wins'

23 Jun 2014

"Love Wins" by US megachurch pastor Rob Bell has ignited a theological debate about the nature of Hell, the nature of God and whether all people will utimately be saved.  Bell joins Justin Brierley to discuss the book and respond to some of...

Unbelievable? 2 Apr 2011 - Is it best to be agnostic?

23 Jun 2014

Mark Vernon trained to be an Anglican priest before losing his faith to become an atheist. But he became disenchanted with that position too. Now he champions agnosticism. He says agnosticism is more than "sitting on the fence" and is a ric...

Unbelievable? 16 Apr 2011 - Biblical evidence for the Resurrection - Bart Ehrman & Mike Licona

23 Jun 2014

Bart Ehrman is well known as a US New Testament Scholar who lost his Christian faith and now questions many core precepts of Christianity, including the Resurrection of Jesus.  When Mike Licona had doubts he devoted himself to investigating the evid....

Unbelievable? 26 Mar 2011 - Did Jesus die on the Cross? Islam debate

23 Jun 2014

The Koran claims that Jesus did not die on the cross. Mohammed Bahmanpour of the Islamic College in London defends the Koranic view that although "it was made to appear to them" that he died, in fact he was substituted by another. Jay Smith...

Unbelievable? 19 Mar 2011 - Presuppositional apologetics round 2

23 Jun 2014

6 months ago Sye Ten Bruggencate and atheist Paul Baird met to discuss Sye's presuppositional approach to proof of God.  Sye claims that the fact Paul believes in laws of logic, maths, science and rationality prove that God exists. The show was a po....

Unbelievable? 12 Mar 2011 - Music & God

23 Jun 2014

Music often evokes strong emotions in people. But is there more to the beauty and meaning we find in music than atheism allows? David Robertson contends that the joy and meaning we experience in music is a pointer beyond itself to an ultimate sourc....

Unbelievable? 5 Mar 2011 - Grill a Christian Round 3 & Unbelievable? Conference announcement

23 Jun 2014

Today's show begins with details of the forthcoming Unbelievable? apologetics conference in London where Justin will be joined by speakers including John Lennox, Jay Smith, David Instone-Brewer and David Robertson. David Robertson joins Justin for a....

Unbelievable? 26 Feb 2011 - RE and indoctrination in education

23 Jun 2014

The UK Government recently outlined a White Paper that threatens to demote Religious Education to a peripheral subject in the curriculum.  More info on the campaign to have it reinstated here: http://www.reactcampaign.co.uk/ Mark Roques of Reality B....