Be Still and Know

December 18th - Luke 1:67-69

18 Dec 2023

Luke 1:67-69 Zechariah and Elizabeth were an old couple. At the time, being childless was a matter of shame and disgrace and they had lived with this burden for many years. One day, Zechariah was doing his priestly duty in the temple and was conf...

Decembebr 17th - Luke 1:51-53

17 Dec 2023

Luke 1:51-53 The world has seen many revolutions but, arguably, nothing as revolutionary as this. The revolution that Mary was singing about here is moral, social and economic shaking the whole fabric of society. God’s intention is to turn everyt...

December 16th - Luke 1:46-48

16 Dec 2023

Luke 1:46-48 It would have probably taken Mary about four days to travel down south to meet up with her elderly relative, Elizabeth. During that arduous journey she had plenty of time to reflect on the incredible things that were happening in her...

December 15th - Luke 1:44-45

15 Dec 2023

Luke 1:44-45 What an exquisitely beautiful moment this is! It seems that no one remained unmoved or unexcited about the news that Mary was going to give birth. Even the baby in Elizabeth’s womb wanted a piece of the action! We can’t be entire...

December 14th - Luke 1:38

14 Dec 2023

Luke 1:38 Aren’t these words amazing? Mary has just learned that her whole life was going to be turned upside down. Having a baby is a completely life-changing event for anyone, but to learn that she was going to be the bearer of the Son of God m...

December 13th - Luke 1:29-31

13 Dec 2023

Luke 1:29-31 The birth of Jesus and the events that led up to it are so familiar to us that it takes some adjusting to realise that it was all a complete surprise to those who were involved. We know exactly what’s going to happen next but, for t...

December 12th - Proverbs 10:19

12 Dec 2023

Proverbs 10:19 There is a huge amount of advice about words in the book of Proverbs. The writer knew that the tongue is capable of bringing death or life (18:21) and so he went to great lengths to encourage his readers to use their words carefull...

December 11th - Proverbs 10:18

11 Dec 2023

Proverbs 10:18 This is one of those verses that makes you sit up. On the face of it, it might seem to be a very good thing to hide hatred because hatred is an ugly and destructive experience. How would we ever cope if everyone was totally honest...

December 10th - Proverbs 10:17

10 Dec 2023

Proverbs 10:17 It isn’t easy when someone corrects us. I can recall many moments when people have told me that I have got something wrong. Most of the time they have spoken gently and sensitively but that hasn’t always been the case. There have b...

December 9th - Proverbs 10:16

9 Dec 2023

Proverbs 10:16 Money, sex and power have always had an enormous influence on the way people live, and so it isn’t surprising that the book of Proverbs often speaks about them. All three are capable of enormous good and great happiness. But they c...

December 8th - Proverbs 10:11

8 Dec 2023

Proverbs 10:11 We are so used to drinking clean water from our taps that it is hard to think of those times in history when that wasn’t possible – and it still isn’t in many parts of the world. In the time when the writer of Proverbs composed thi...

December 7th - Proverbs 10:8

7 Dec 2023

Proverbs 10:8 You can always trust the writer of the Proverbs not to beat about the bush! He draws a very sharp distinction between those who are wise and foolish. The path of wisdom leads to blessing, happiness and security and the path of fooli...

December 6th - 2 Peter 3:17-18

6 Dec 2023

2 Peter 3:17-18 These words are particularly interesting when you remember that their author is Peter, the one who betrayed his Lord and who often seemed to wobble in his faith. Perhaps it was those very experiences that convinced him of the impo...

December 5th - 2 Peter 1:14

5 Dec 2023

2 Peter 1:14 This verse is a classic example of where the original Greek is a good deal more interesting and colourful than the English translation. The expression that Peter actually used was that he must soon leave this earthly tent. It powerfu...

December 4th - 2 Peter 1:5-7

4 Dec 2023

2 Peter 1:5-7 When Peter wrote his letter, many of the people who received it were illiterate. So it was quite usual for instruction to be offered in the form of lists that could be easily remembered. The list that Peter provided here shows how d...