Reflections On The Psalms (1958) is CS Lewis' only book that directly comments on the Bible. Alister explains why Lewis chose to write about the Psalms and what lessons we can draw from it today. + For more shows, free ebook and newsletter visi.....
Surprised By Joy (1955) is CS Lewis' 'spiritual autobiography of his conversion experience. Alister draws out the lessons his life can give us today. + For more shows, free ebook and newsletter visit our new website + For our Premier Unbeli.....
The Great Divorce (1945) is an unusual story told from the perspective of passengers on a 'day trip' from hell to heaven. Alister explains how the story and characters draw out Lewis' views on the nature of heaven and hell. + For more shows, fr.....
The Screwtape Letters (1942) saw CS Lewis rise to international prominence as an author. Alister and Justin talk about its creative approach to conversion, temptation and the Christian life. + For more shows, free ebook and newsletter visit our.....
The Problem Of Pain (1940) was CS Lewis' apologetic on the problem of God & suffering. Alister reviews its content and impact. + For more shows, free ebook and newsletter visit our new website + For our Premier Unbelievable? Live events...
Published in 1933, Pilgrim's Regress was Lewis' first book written after his conversion. Modelled after Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress', Alister explains why it is among the least well-known of Lewis' writings. + For more from the podcast http://.....
In this new season of the podcast hosted by Justin, Alister introduces seven of CS Lewis' popualr Christian works. + For more from the podcast + For our Premier Unbelievable? Live events+ Support the podcast from the US...
Alister takes audience Q&A on Jesus, CS Lewis and evangelism. From Unbelievable? the Conference 2013 + For more from the podcast + For our Premier Unbelievable? Live events+ Support the podcast from the USA+ Support...
Alister McGrath's talk at Unbelievable? the Conference 2013 on 'Jesus the Lunatic?'. + For more from the podcast + For our Premier Unbelievable? Live events+ Support the podcast from the USA+ Support the podcast from UK...
Alister concludes this season of the podcast looking at the different ways Lewis and Tolkien expressed the Christian story through their well-known fantasy writings. + For more from the podcast + For our Premier Unbelie...
CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, two of the greatest writers of the 20th Century, were good friends. So how did Lewis and Tolkien influence each other's faith and writing? + For more from the podcast + For our Premier Unbelie...
Why is the concept of friendship in books such as The Four Loves, so important to Lewis? How did Lewis' friendship and romance with Joy Davidman affect his circle of friends? Alister continues to explore this theme with Justin. + For more from the...
Who were Lewis' closest friends from childhood and as an adult? Who were the Inklings and which pub did they actually meet at? What can we learn from Lewis about friendship? All these questions and more are explored by Alister and Justin in today's c...
Alister and Justin continue their conversation on what Lewis' writings have to say to our modern technological age including the rise of big tech platforms such as Google and Facebook's 'Meta' universe. For more from the podcast http://www.cslewispo...
What do Lewis' writings such as 'The Abolition of Man' and 'That Hideous Strength' have to say to the rise of AI and Transhumanism? Alister McGrath and Justin Brierley begin a new conversation on CS Lewis and technology. For more from the podcast htt...