Which stories impacted Lewis as a young child? Why is story so important? How does imagination help convey truth? What did Lewis mean by "myth" and how did that impact his thinking? Where did JRR Tolkien help with this? How do we allow the Christian...
Professor Alister McGrath continues to explore how we can use CS Lewis as a resource for our Christian life. How did Lewis' conversion change his life? What habits did he put in place to establish a rhythm of life for his faith? In what ways does Lew...
How did CS Lewis live out his Christian faith? What practical tools or approaches can he offer to inform our spiritual practices? How can Lewis help us work out our vocation? Does he have any advice for those experiencing doubt? Professor Alister McG...
How did CS Lewis translate Christianity for ordinary people? What would he say to our post-Christian culture? Can Lewis help with evangelism? In what ways did people apply his ideas to the COVID-19 pandemic? Pastor, author and theologian Dr James Eme...
Did Lewis want to rewrite some of his earlier work on suffering in light of his own experience of pain and loss? Did Lewis doubt the existence of God or question his character during these times? What words of encouragement would Lewis give to those...
How does Lewis perceive the Fall? Is he able to reconcile it with an evolutionary model? Where does the cross feature in The Problem of Pain? What did Lewis think of hell? In what ways does Lewis help us to recognise beauty and aesthetics in our disc...
Can pain ever be good for us? What about children with cancer? How do we account for animal suffering? Will our pets be in heaven? Does our theology of heaven impact our thoughts around suffering? Dr Philip Tallon, Associate Professor of Theology and...
Dr Philip Tallon, Associate Professor of Theology and Dean of The School of Christian Thought at Houston Christian University, unpacks one of Lewis' earliest work of apologetics The Problem of Pain. What are the critiques of this book and can any of...
Can Lewis still speak to us today? Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewi...
Hollywood director Matthew Brown, who directed and co-wrote Freud's Last Session, shares his thoughts on two of the greatest minds of the 20th Century. The film, which features Sir Anthony Hopkins, Matthew Goode and Liv Lisa Fries, raises questions a...
We continue our conversation with Professor Alister McGrath answering live questions, including who influenced Lewis’ faith journey, whether there’s an expiry date on his relevance and how Lewis has impacted Alister’s own theology. + Subscribe to...
Professor Alister McGrath joined Ruth Jackson for a webinar answering live questions about CS Lewis, including how Lewis used modern media, whether there is a "modern day Lewis" and how we navigate some of the potentially racist terms within his work...
In this third and final part, Rev Dr Malcolm Guite, Life Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge University answers questions about CS Lewis on Narnia, The Pilgrim's Regress and poetry. This is taken from the Q&A after his presentation ‘A Little Inca...
In the second part of his presentation, Rev Dr Malcolm Guite, Life Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge University shares his thoughts about Lewis' poem 'Reason', looking at his relationship with imagination and rationality. This talk was originally g...
Rev Dr Malcolm Guite, Life Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge University shares his thoughts about Lewis' imaginative vision as a writer. This talk was originally given at a CS Lewis symposium called Now We Have Faces, which was hosted by The CS Lew...