Leading The Way

Weekdays from 9am on Premier Christian Radio

End of History and You - Part 1

9 Apr 2024

Join listeners around the world for the next episode of Leading The Way AUDIO! Dr. Youssef shows how to experience HOPE in the face of difficult times. It’s part of his new series, The End of History and You! (2 Thessalonians 1)

What is it Like Down Under? - Part 6

8 Apr 2024

On the next Leading The Way, examine your life from God’s perspective – as Dr. Michael Youssef wraps up his teaching series, What Is It Like Down Under? Truth from the wisdom of Solomon . . . on Leading The Way! (Ecclesiastes 11)

What is it Like Down Under? - Part 5

5 Apr 2024

On the next Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef reveals the benefits of godly wisdom . . . as he continues his series What is it Like Down Under?! Join him for practical study in the pages of God’s Word on Leading The Way! (Ecclesiastes 7)

What is it Like Down Under? - Part 4

4 Apr 2024

Join listeners around the world for the next Leading The Way! Dr. Michael Youssef directs you to the voice of Solomon. Biblical wisdom unpacked to help YOU face today with renewed passion and a biblical perspective. (Ecclesiastes 4)

What is it Like Down Under? - Part 3

3 Apr 2024

On today’s Leading The Way AUDIO – Dr. Michael Youssef invites you to listen to the wise words of King Solomon . . . insightful TRUTH as the wisest man in human history looked back on life ‘under the sun.’ (Ecclesiastes 3)

How Shall We Live Now? - Part 6

15 Mar 2024

Plan to listen to the next Leading The Way AUDIO! Dr. Youssef will be continuing his life-changing series, How Shall We Live Now? (Daniel 1)

Do You Have an Emergency Plan?

14 Mar 2024

Join Dr. Michael Youssef for the next Leading The Way AUDIO for a reminder that God offers a place of safety from the threats of this world! (Proverbs 18)

How Shall We Live Now? - Part 5

13 Mar 2024

On the next Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef opens God’s Word to help you capture an ETERNAL perspective on life! Join him, won’t you? (Hebrews 13)

How Shall We Live Now? - Part 4

12 Mar 2024

Today on Leading The Way, Dr. Youssef points your eyes toward your heavenly home!! It’s part of his practical series, How Shall We Live Now? (Hebrews 11)

How Shall We Live Now? - Part 3

11 Mar 2024

On this episode of Leading The Way AUDIO, a challenge from Dr. Michael Youssef to avoid conforming to the rising secularism in society.

How Shall We Live Now? - Part 2

8 Mar 2024

On the next Leading The Way AUDIO, a message from Dr. Michael Youssef challenging you to be light in the darkness. Make it a point to listen!

How Shall We Live Now? - Part 1

7 Mar 2024

Today on Leading The Way, Dr. Youssef begins a series, How Shall We Live Now?. A challenge to make an eternal difference in the lives around you! (Habakkuk 1)

Until Christ Returns - Part 8

6 Mar 2024

On today’s Leading The Way – a practical message from Dr. Youssef regarding how YOU can live a passionate, Spirit Filled life, in the LAST DAYS. (1 Thessalonians 5)

Until Christ Returns - Part 7

5 Mar 2024

On the next Leading The Way AUDIO, Dr. Michael Youssef guides you to a deeper understanding of one of the strongest passions of his heart, the CHURCH! (1 Thessalonians 5)

Until Christ Returns - Part 6

4 Mar 2024

On the next Leading The Way AUDIO, Dr. Michael Youssef challenges you to actively prepare for the coming Kingdom! Join him in preparation, won’t you? (1 Thessalonians 5)