Today, Dr. Youssef addresses how Satan ambushes believers in attempts to squelch the POWER of Christians and the Church. It’s a message Dr. Youssef is calling TruePower.
On today's episode of Leading The Way, Dr. Youssef begins a short series called Heal Me O God. It’s a look at spiritual healing available through Jesus.
Today, a challenge to see Independence Day in a new light.... through Dr. Youssef’s inspiring and challenging message, The Sin of Removing Landmarks. Scripture ref: Proverbs 22
Today on Leading The Way, Dr.Youssef looks at fascinating words in the Bible that pointedly answer theage-old question . . . Can You ProlongYour Life? Scripture ref: Matthew 6
Dr. Youssef begins today’s Leading The Way . . . revealing the protection, presence, and provision of God for Israel. Listen with me Scripture ref: Exodus 14
Today on Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef takes you to James chapter two (2) for a look at FAITH. He reveals the TRUTH of how faith and works must be synced with a Spirit-Filled life!
Today on LTW with Dr Michael Youssef with a powerful message called Loving The Unlovable – unpacking practical ways to move beyond relationship hurts and be more like Jesus!
Getting Cleansed by the Word is the title of Dr. Michael Youssef’s message . . . next on . . . Leading The Way . . .
Today on Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef offers tools for . . . ‘Defeating Temptation.’
Today on Leading The Way, Dr.Michael Youssef looks at the intersection of faith and life . . . and how seasons of trial (big or small) are evidence to the reality of Jesus to those around you.