Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
The Bible tells us to be humble and gentle, but is it easier said than done?
It has been a strange year for all of us and slowing down and living life without a normal structure also has its challenges.
We all need to apologise at times, but some have the inability to own up and face thier crimes and just say 'sorry'.
Following the rules is something we're all being told to do in this strange time. Though sometimes rule-keeping can replace living faith and this is where the Pharisees come in.
If we're going to follow God we need to listen to him, we also need to listen to each other
Are we correct in saying 'God's Church is beautiful?'
Inspired by Peter's walk on water, Jeff tries to walk on Water.
Faithfulness, a characteristic often associated with missionary heroes can also be reflected by our own simple walk with Christ.
Sometimes, we come across as sounding rude, this week Jeff looks the way we talk and how we can improve.
As we spend a lot of our time listening to preaching, Jeff explains how Good Biblical and relevant preaching is absolutely vital.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God’s truth, whatever life throws at us.