Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Audio Podcast

Understanding Emotions - Part 1

10 Oct 2023

Feelings come and go so quickly! Learn how to discern whether you're following fleeting emotions or the reliable Word of God.

Press Past the Pain of Feelings

9 Oct 2023

When we're feeling down, we need to know how to take control of those emotions and begin to encourage ourselves in God's Word. Learn how.

Be Careful How You Live - Part 2

6 Oct 2023

What would you do differently if Jesus showed up at your door today? Joyce shares how to live "on purpose, for a purpose" starting today.

Be Careful How You Live - Part 1

5 Oct 2023

Have you been living a life that's "less than" what you've hoped for? Tune in as Joyce explains how to experience God's best for your life.

The Beatitudes

4 Oct 2023

Join Joyce in Matthew chapter 5 to discover "be-attitudes" taught and modeled by Jesus Christ. Learn how to bring out the best in yourself!

Lies We Believe - Part 2

3 Oct 2023

The enemy is a liar! Today, Joyce and the Talk It Out ladies share some of the most common lies we believe, as well as the truths from God's Word that will set you free.

Lies We Believe - Part 1

2 Oct 2023

Have you ever found yourself believing a lie? Today, Joyce joins the Talk It Out ladies as they share truths from God's Word that empower you to overcome every lie the enemy throws at you.

Trusting God - Part 2

29 Sep 2023

Learn how to turn off the negative thoughts in your head, trust God (even in your pain), and become spiritually renewed.

Trusting God - Part 1

28 Sep 2023

When bad things happen and it looks like God isn’t working on your behalf…don’t panic. God’s Word has some good news for you!   

Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 2

27 Sep 2023

It's not easy to serve God when others aren't encouraging you. But are you willing to do whatever it takes to grow?

Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 1

26 Sep 2023

Is God leading you away from "the crowd" you hang out with? Be encouraged to follow Him whatever the cost.

Faith vs Fear

25 Sep 2023

You can choose an attitude of faith! Quit letting fear control you, and start living by faith and the Word of God.

Don't Be Offended by Trouble - Part 2

22 Sep 2023

Want to learn how to trust God even when you have a problem? Today, Joyce shares relatable stories you can learn from.

Don't Be Offended by Trouble - Part 1

21 Sep 2023

When you are deeply rooted in faith, you can stay peaceful even in troubling circumstances. Learn how to develop deeper roots.

Resist the Devil and He Will Flee - Part 2

20 Sep 2023

God's plans for you are greater than you know! Today, Joyce talks about the promises of God and how to get to where He's leading you.