Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Audio Podcast

Dressed for Battle – Part 2

26 Mar 2024

Are you properly dressed to do spiritual battle? Today, Joyce teaches on the importance of our words and how to fight the enemy and win by speaking the Word of God.

Dressed for Battle - Part 1

25 Mar 2024

Are you dressed for battle? Joyce shares insightful teaching about who our real enemy is, our spiritual clothing, and what believers need to do to win life's battles.

What Do You Think of Yourself? - Part 2

22 Mar 2024

Ever find yourself focusing on all the things you do wrong? Learn to love yourself and think about yourself the way God does.

Finding Freedom

21 Mar 2024

Travel with us to Thessaloniki, Greece, and into the very dark world of its red-light district. You'll meet "Rania," a former trafficking victim. Hear her story and celebrate her freedom.

Thoughts and Words – Part 2

20 Mar 2024

Do you believe what the Word of God says about you? Today, Joyce shares the rewards that are gained when we renew our thoughts and the way we talk.

Thoughts and Words - Part 1

19 Mar 2024

Can your thoughts and words really make a difference in your life? Discover the truth as Joyce explains the importance of our thoughts and words and the various ways they impact our lives.

Interrupted by God – Part 2

18 Mar 2024

God gives us the grace we need right now. Be encouraged to take on every challenge with peace, joy, and confidence...because God is with you!

Interrupted by God - Part 1

15 Mar 2024

God has great opportunities lined up for you! Be encouraged to follow His lead any time, even when it doesn't seem to make sense.

Is the Devil Real? - Part 2

14 Mar 2024

Satan is the author of confusion and he desires to destroy all believers. Today, Joyce shares heartfelt truths from the Word of God to help you fight the devil and win.

Is the Devil Real? - Part 1

13 Mar 2024

Do you believe the devil is real? Many believers do not. Today, Joyce candidly discusses the devil and how to win your battles against him once and for all.

Righteousness - Part 3

12 Mar 2024

To truly understand righteousness, you must be able to withstand the storms of life. Today, Joyce discusses the profound importance of building a solid foundation in Christ.

Righteousness - Part 2

11 Mar 2024

God loves at all times. Discover the importance of receiving His love...and loving the person He made you to be.

Righteousness - Part 1

8 Mar 2024

Your faith in Christ makes you right in God's eyes. Learn how to stop struggling with guilt and condemnation and discover once and for all just who you are in Christ!

Tests and Trials - Part 2

7 Mar 2024

Do you feel like you're going through a tough test? Be encouraged today as Joyce shares how God can turn your test into a testimony!

Tests and Trials - Part 1

6 Mar 2024

Do you ever feel like you're just waiting for the next bad thing to happen? Be encouraged! Today, Joyce shares the keys to winning your battles and enjoying life in the process.