Life.Church with Craig Groeschel

How to Be Fully Present

13 Feb 2022

Have you ever heard the saying, “Your best days are ahead of you”? What if your best days are now? Instead of constantly looking forward, we’re learning how to be present and experience what God has for us today.

When You Stop Holding Back | Pre-Decide: Part 5

6 Feb 2022

Do you ever feel like you'd be happier if you could make a little more money, buy that car, or land that job? The Bible tells us it's more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35) But how is that possible? And how do you stop holding yourself ba...

Getting Closer to God | Pre-Decide: Part 4

30 Jan 2022

Do you want to start getting closer to God? This message is the perfect place to start! We’re learning how to become fully devoted to God’s plan for our lives.

The Power of Consistency | Pre-Decide: Part 3

23 Jan 2022

Are you tired of failing to reach your goals? If you have a lot of good intentions but struggle to follow through, you won't want to miss church this week. We're learning the quality that can help us achieve every goal God puts on our hearts.

3 Keys to Overcoming Temptation

16 Jan 2022

Have you ever given in to temptation and then regretted it? Most of us have. The Bible says God won't allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV). We’re learning three keys to overcoming temptation in this message. Don’t...

Take Back Your Life | Pre-Decide: Part 1

9 Jan 2022

Do you ever wish you knew how to make decisions that would help you reach your goals? What if becoming the person you want to be starts before you make a decision? Before you click "buy," or before you take one more bite. Can the decisions...

Bonus! Pastor Joakim Lundqvist on the Power of Intergenerational Relationships

5 Jan 2022

Whether you’re a Gen Zer, Boomer, Millennial, or Gen Xer, this bonus episode with Pastor Joakim Lundqvist is for you. Starting off with a game of generational slang and ending with a look back to mentoring relationships throughout Scripture, we’re di...

Empowering the Next Generation | Joakim Lundqvist

2 Jan 2022

If you’ve struggled to understand another generation, you’re not alone. But our God is the God of generations—He created us to live together in unity. What could happen if we looked past our generational differences and learned from each other?

The Best of 2021

26 Dec 2021

This year might’ve been the best of your life or one of the toughest you’ve ever faced. In The Best of 2021, we’re looking back at the best of Life.Church messages for the year. Whether you’re searching for a fresh start, hope, freedom, or purpose, t...

Does God Love me?

23 Dec 2021

God loves you. People say it all the time, but do you ever wonder if it's true? Or maybe you wonder why He would love someone like you. The answer to these questions could change your life. Let's discover them together in this Christmas message.

When God Feels Far Away | Ever Wonder Why: Part 6

19 Dec 2021

The Bible says God will never abandon us (Deuteronomy 31:6). So why are there times when God feels distant? And what do you do when you can't feel Him at all? Let's find out in our series, Ever Wonder Why?

Why Can’t I Stop? | Ever Wonder Why: Part 5

12 Dec 2021

Do you have a bad habit that you can't seem to break? Do you ever wonder why you can't stop? Maybe there's a deeper reason that's making it tough to quit. We're talking about it in this message.

Why should I trust God? | Ever Wonder Why: Part 4

5 Dec 2021

Do you ever wonder how to trust God? Or maybe you wonder why you should trust Him given everything you're facing? Let's learn how to build our faith and trust as we continue our series, Ever Wonder Why?

Why Didn’t God Answer My Prayer? | Ever Wonder Why: Part 3

28 Nov 2021

The Bible tells us that with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26 NIV). But if that's true, why do you have unanswered prayers? Does it mean you did something wrong? Or that God doesn't care? Let's talk about it as we continue our series, Ever...

A Voice From Hell | Ever Wonder Why: Part 2

21 Nov 2021

Is hell a real place? And if it is, why would a loving God send people there? Hell is a tough topic, but it’s something Jesus talked about, which means it’s something we should pay attention to. In this message, we’re leaning into the hard questions...