It's hard to sift through all of the information at our fingertips. How do we filter through it in a healthy way? Is it even possible to see the positive? Even in a complicated world, you can learn how to change your perspective and Write Your Own He...
Is there a part of your life that you've stopped believing could get better? Can you imagine what it would be like if you began to dream again? It’s time to believe more is possible. It’s time to write your Crazy Faith story.
Forgiving someone who wronged you can be hard—it might even seem impossible. We’re learning what can happen when we unlock the power of forgiveness.
Do you often focus on the difficult or painful parts of your past? You might be dealing with bitterness. How can you let go and move forward with your life? We’re talking about it in this message.
What if you’re not as right as you think? And what happens when you’re more right than loving? We’re breaking it down in this message.
Chances are, you know some of “those” people—the ones who know everything about everything. How can you stop being offended by difficult people? How do you know if you are one of them? We’ll find out in this message.
In this bonus episode, you’ll get to hear a conversation with Pastor Amy Groeschel about how we can love people we disagree with, fight for unity, and develop humility. She also shares about the importance of relationships, which is the driving theme...
There are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to stop being offended and respond differently to those around us? In this message, we’ll learn how to live with No Offense.
Do you ever wonder if you’re praying the right way? Maybe you keep praying, but it feels like your prayers aren’t effective. In this message, we’re learning how to unlock the power of prayer.
Do you feel like you’re living a distracted life? In this message, we’ll learn how to get rid of the things that keep us from focusing on God’s mission.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Your best days are ahead of you”? What if your best days are now? Instead of constantly looking forward, we’re learning how to be fully present.
On this special, bonus episode, you’ll get to hear extended content from Pastor Craig about why we need a better way, what sparked his message series, A Better Way, and how we can have a healthier relationship with work and rest. This episode is the...
Do you ever feel like you’re too busy for what matters? You’re always feeling rushed and are burned out by the busyness of life. There’s A Better Way to live, and we’ll learn all about it in this message.
Sometimes it feels like nothing is working. We can do all the right things, but life seems to stay the same. Together, let’s discover A Better Way.
Some things just go better together—like beans and rice. It’s the same with people. We all have a purpose, but we’re not meant to function alone. Let’s learn why biblical community and relationships are essential ingredients in our lives.