Do you ever feel like you’re moving through life without direction? You want your life to matter, but it’s hard to feel like you can make a difference when you’re dealing with self-doubt. Find out who God made you to be and live your life purposefull...
Life is busy. And it’s hard to find rest when your to-do list doesn’t end. Jesus promises a way to rest in the middle of all the busyness. And it’s probably not what you’d expect.
What have you worried about today? Chances are, the list is pretty long. Jesus promises that we don’t have to worry, but how is that possible? Understanding His promise can transform the way you approach concerns and give you relief.
What’s weighing on you right now? With so much happening in the world and our lives, having a peaceful mind can feel impossible. While Jesus doesn’t promise a trouble-free life, He does promise you a path to peace.
It can be difficult to feel God’s presence when you’re experiencing the storms of life. But Jesus promises to be with you always—through highs and lows.
Think about all the things competing for your attention every day—family, schedules, social media, and more. Jesus promised us that we'll know His voice. How do you cut through the noise to listen? Let’s talk about hearing God’s voice.
Have you ever asked yourself, "Does God love me?" Maybe you struggle to believe you’re even worthy of love. If you’ve ever doubted God’s love, you won’t want to miss this message.
Do you have a goal for your life that you can’t stop thinking about? Maybe achieving it seems impossible. What if this dream is part of God’s plan for your life? In this message, we’re talking about how to live out our calling—dreams included.
It’s comforting to have a plan—a clear roadmap to get you from one place to the next. God has a plan for your life, but how do you know what it is? And how do you follow it? Let’s find out.
Do you ever get frustrated trying to find out what's actually true? How do you know what to believe? In this message, we're learning how to seek truth with confidence. Find ways to replace lies with God’s truth:
When you're facing something you don't understand, it's easy to let doubt and worry creep in. How can you trust in God when things get tough?
If you struggle with a porn addiction, you know how much of a toll it can take on your life. This message will equip you with valuable knowledge to overcome that addiction and has the power to change your life or the life of someone you love. Find e...
When we lack focus or direction, we can end up where we never wanted to be. In this message, we’ll learn how to get closer to God and pre-decide what matters most so the path forward is clear.
Do you ever wonder why you make certain choices? Maybe you wanted to make a change in your life but just couldn’t stick to it. In this message, we’re getting to the bottom of why we do the things we do and learning how to overcome negative thoughts.
During Habits of a Healthy Heart, we’ve learned how to slow down and simplify. Every choice we make can have a dramatic impact on our lives. How do we stay faithful in the little things and make these habits last?