Nomad Podcast

Chine McDonald & Azariah France Williams - In Our Own Skin, In Our Own Words (N192)

7 Mar 2019

Rather than our usual interview format, in this episode we’re hosting a conversation. We’ll be listening in on Chine McDonald and Azariah France Wiliiams as they discuss their understanding and experience of blackness and how that has shaped their...

Janet Williams - Seeking the God Beyond (N191)

22 Feb 2019

Janet Williams joins us to discuss apophatic theology and spirituality. I know, it doesn’t sound like the most riveting topic. But trust me, it’s essential listening for anyone who’s been through some kind of deconstruction, faith evolution or...

10th Anniversary Q&A Marathon (N190)

8 Feb 2019

It was 10 years ago that Nomad first uploaded an episode. 10 years!! So to celebrate we’d like to give you a gift as a thank you for all your support and encouragement. But what to give the beloved listener to mark such a special occasion? How about....

Edwina Gateley - Missionaries, Mystics and Mother God (N189)

21 Jan 2019

is a mystic, and a social activist. Her life has been a rhythm of extended periods of prayer and solitude (including 9 months of silence in a caravan in a forest!) and activism (including establishing a mission agency that has sent hundreds of people...

Brian Zahnd - Christians in the Age of Trump (N188)

4 Jan 2019

is back on the show. This time we’re chatting with him about the themes raised in his soon to be released book . In it he takes aim at the toxic relationship between Church and Empire, and the religion that has emerged from it, which he calls...

Danielle Wilson & Brad Jersak - Nativity at the Edges (N187)

19 Dec 2018

It's that time of the year again! So we thought we'd offer up a Christmas themed Devotional for you all. talks a bit about how the Nativity is understood in the Eastern Church, we reflect on the feminine in the salvation story, and Danielle...

Brad Jersak - On Charismatics and Contemplation (N186)

5 Dec 2018

For many of us, the charismatic movement has been a mixed bag of bonkers and blessing. The danger is, of course, that we throw the blessed baby out with the bonkers bathwater! Especially for those of us who have been through some kind of...

Liz West - The Enneagram: 9 Pathways for Spiritual Growth (N185)

23 Nov 2018

Enneagram trainer Liz West joins us on the show to talk about this ancient tool for transformation. You may have seen the rather "dodgy" looking enneagram symbol, but don’t be put off. This is an ancient treasure that goes right back to the...

James Alison - Scapegoat: How Civilisation Harms and How the Cross Heals (N184)

8 Nov 2018

Catholic theologian and priest, joins us on the show to discuss scapegoating. It's a word we're all familiar with, but as James explains, it's through the violence of the scapegoating mechanism that civilisations are built. And, it is through...

Elaine Heath - Pioneers, Lightning Rods and Anxious Churches (N183)

23 Oct 2018

is the perfect person to speak to about the emergence of new expressions of Church. She's one of those rare people who understands and can navigate the institution (she's former Dean of Duke Divinity School and an ordained Elder in the United...

Tom Wright - The Reconstruction of Paul (N181)

19 Sep 2018

Professor Tom Wright has got another book out! If you found the 1800 page tome that was Paul and the Faithfulness of God a little intimidating, then perhaps try his mere 500 page Paul: A Biography. Or failing that, how about a 50 minute...

Paula Gooder - Phoebe, Patriarchy and Faithful Improvisation (N180)

7 Sep 2018

From just two verses at the end of Romans,  has gleaned some fascinating insights about Phoebe. She was likely a freed slave, who became wealthy and influential. And she was a deacon who carried Paul's letter to the Church in Rome, and most...

Steve Aisthorpe - The Invisible Church (N179)

20 Aug 2018

You're no doubt aware that the Church has been in steady decline in the West for a number of decades now. In the UK for example, Church attendance has roughly halved in the last thirty five years. But what do we know about all the people who left? Wh...

Elaine Heath - Spiritual Practices (N178)

3 Aug 2018

It's summer and we're feeling generous, so with thought we'd share this month's Nomad Devotional with everyone. If you're a  of nomad you'll be very familiar with our Devotionals. Each month we ask a guest to offer us a reflection. And then...

David Benjamin Blower - Hymns for Nomads (N177)

21 Jul 2018

For those of you who support us on , you’ll already be familiar with David Benjamin Blower’s music. Each month he responds to a guest’s reflection with music and song. And out of these Devotionals has emerged the album Hymns for Nomads, a...