Nomad Podcast

Q&A Lockdown Special (N222)

17 Apr 2020

We felt these unprecedented times deserved an unprecedented episode of nomad. So for the first time we recorded a remote episode, with Jemimah beaming in from Cardiff, David from Birmingham, and Tim and Nick from Nottingham.  To help stimulate...

Meditations for Isolation - The Power of a Greeting (N221)

14 Apr 2020

In this final meditation of the series, Anna reflects on the power of the greeting that Jesus gave his disciples when he met them in the upper room on Easter day. She considers what Pádraig Ó Tuama shares about this greeting in his book In The...

Meditations for Isolation – Freedom from the Tyranny of Fear (N220)

10 Apr 2020

In this meditation Anna Robinson reflects on our struggles with fear, anxiety and distress. She looks at how Jesus himself felt great fear, particularly at this time of Easter. Then, drawing on the wisdom of James Finley, Anna leads us through a...

Meditations for Isolation - Loving Kindness (N219)

8 Apr 2020

In this contemplation, Anna Robinson considers the significance of acknowledging how we are feeling in these uncertain and unsettling times. She considers the importance of kindness and compassion to others and ourselves, recognising our shared human...

Meditations for Isolation - Peace and Presence (N218)

2 Apr 2020

Rather than an interview based episode, we felt these strange times required something a little more meditative.  Each month for the last year Anna Robinson has been producing some wonderful meditations for our patrons. So we asked her to produce...

Sally Mann - Hope in Lockdown (N217)

26 Mar 2020

For just a few weeks we’ve all been living in a very different world. Sociologist and Baptist Minister reflects on how her community in London’s East End are adapting to the coronavirus pandemic, and where she sees glimmers of hope amidst the...

Mike McHargue - You're a Miracle (and a Pain in the Ass) (N216)

9 Mar 2020

is the host of the podcast , co-founded of the and author of . He’s a public educator who weaves together insights from science and faith to help people navigate what it means to live well. We ask Mike the question that scientists, philosophers,...

Jemimah McAlpine & Joy Brooks - Jemimah, Joy and Jezebel (N215)

25 Feb 2020

In another break from our usual interview format, we listen in on a conversation between Jemimah McAlpine and Joy Brooks as they reflect on their experiences as women who grew up immersed in evangelical Christianity. Unpicking some of the messages...

Noel Moules - Christian Animism and the Re-Enchantment of the World (N214)

10 Feb 2020

In this episode we speak with anabaptist, anarchist and Christian animist, Noel Moules. Christian and animism are perhaps two words you haven’t heard together before, in fact you may well think that animism sounds somewhat dodgy! Noel shows us...

Ann Morisy - Enacting Hope in Troubled Times (N213)

24 Jan 2020

is a community theologian, community worker and author who has researched and written on everything from the spirituality of public transport, through to the spirituality of ageing. Her works draws on a wide range of research and influences, includin...

Steve Chalke - The Lost Message of Paul (N212)

10 Jan 2020

There’s a handful of guests that have appeared on Nomad a number of times, and Steve Chalke is one. Why? Because he keeps speaking and writing about really interesting things. He was one of the first high profile evangelicals to critique the penal...

Em Kolltveit - No Room at the Inn (N211)

20 Dec 2019

It's Christmas! And so we thought we'd share a festive Devotional episode with you all. Pub landlady, touring musician and anglican priest Em Kolltveit talks about community building and hospitality when there’s no room at the Inn. We produce...

Zoe Heming & Nick Thorley - Disability, Doubt and the Search for Wholeness (N210)

11 Dec 2019

Rather than our usual interview format, in this episode we host a conversation between Zoe Heming and Nick Thorley. Zoe is a priest in the Church of England and for many years has suffered with chronic pain, which often means she has to use a...

Richard Beck - The Gospel According to Johnny Cash (N209)

29 Nov 2019

Richard Beck is Professor of Psychology at Abilene University, author, and leader of a weekly bible study for inmates at the maximum security French-Robertson unit. He’s also a big fan of the country musician Johnny Cash (who also knew a thing or...

Vicky Walker - Sex, Relationships and Religion (N208)

12 Nov 2019

In this episode we speak with writer, speaker and researcher, . Vicky conducted a survey with nearly 1500 people about their experiences of the changing nature of relationships and how, if at all, their faith and churches have helped them make sense....