Nomad Podcast

John Hayes - Christmas Contradictions? (NS24)

22 Dec 2015

Last year we gave you our refections. We're adding to that series with a refection by the director of the missional community , John Hayes. John reflects on the contradictions inherent in our modern celebration of Christmas. See you in 2016! If you....

Tim and Dave's Q&A Marathon (N112)

17 Dec 2015

On this edition of Nomad we thought we'd answer a few of your questions. Everything from 'Who are you two?', through to 'Is there a north-south divide in heaven?'. It's a marathon 2 hour something ride of beer fuelled banter and...

Rob Bell - Millones Cajones (N111)

11 Dec 2015

As if building a of 10,000+, producing an international bestselling series, writing critically acclaimed bestselling , producing a hugely popular , and having his own TV show wasn't enough, Rob Bell has decided to write a novel. And much to the...

Jonny Baker - Church and the Gift of Not Fitting In (N110)

24 Nov 2015

Ever felt awkward and uncomfortable in Church, like you just don't fit in? Well, according to that could well be the gift of pioneering. Jonny was pioneering before pioneering was a thing. Most notably he founded the alternative worship...

Brad Jersak - A More Christlike God (N109)

10 Nov 2015

At the core of author and teacher 's faith is the belief that God looks like Jesus. Simple enough, right? But what about the violent 'God of the Old Testament'? What about the parable's of Jesus that liken God to an angry king? And what about all...

Dave Andrews - The Jihad of Jesus (N108)

23 Oct 2015

has lived and worked in intentional communities with marginalised groups of people in Australia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal. Through these experiences he developed a passion for seeing Christians and Muslims learning together what it mean...

Dave Smith - Facing Up to the Refugee Crisis (N107)

9 Oct 2015

The recent image of a drowned child washed up on a Turkish beach brought the refugee crisis into sharp focus. So to help us better understand the complexities of the situation and how best to respond, we've asked Dave Smith to send us a...

Bruce Stanley - Harvest Thanksgiving? (NS23)

3 Oct 2015

Every now and then we treat you to Nomad Spirituality, a guest meditation based around the Church calendar. So we thought a reflection on Harvest might be in order. seemed like the man as he's a forager, owns a small holding, pioneered the ...

Joanna Jepson - Searching For Beauty (N106)

25 Sep 2015

The idea of beauty has shaped Joanna Jepson's life and ministry. Born with a jaw defect she was mercilessly bullied through her childhood and into adulthood. But after successful surgery she then had to figure out how her internal self related to...

Marina Cantacuzino - The Forgiveness Project (N105)

10 Sep 2015

10 years ago  began to interview people who had suffered all sorts of trauma, abuse and wrongdoing, but who instead of choosing vengeance chose forgiveness.  It's easy as Christians to think that we've cornered the market on forgiveness, but...

Robert Song - Sex AD vs. Sex BC? (N104)

25 Aug 2015

Robert Song is a professor in the department of Theology and Religion at Durham Uni. He recently wrote 'Covenant and Calling', in which he challenges traditional ideas of straight and gay marriage, having children and celibacy and proposes a...

Kelly Bean - How to Be a Christian Without Going to Church (N103)

10 Aug 2015

Nomad started out with a group of people wanting to explore new forms of church, so after six years we thought we'd once again explore this idea. Kelly Bean grew up in traditional church and never questioned its practices or structure. But over time....

Robert Cohen - Back to Our Roots? Lessons from Judaism (N102)

24 Jul 2015

Jewish blogger, Robert Cohen is back on the show, sharing with us lessons from his faith journey. So if you're interested in knowing more about the connection between faith, ancestry and land, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, interfaith marriage,...

Eve Tushnet - Gay, Catholic and Celibate (N101)

10 Jul 2015

Eve Tushnet is a freelance writer and blogger. And she's gay, Catholic and celibate. So we ask Eve to tell us the story of how she went from atheist lesbian, to Catholic and celibate. And what she learnt about love, friendship and what it means to...

Carl Medearis - Is Islam Inherently Violent? (N100)

1 Jul 2015

With yet another terrorist atrocity in the news, this time leading to the deaths of at least 38 people in Tunisia, people are again asking, 'Is Islam inherently violent?' We ask Carl Medearis, an international expert in Muslim-Christian relations...