Nomad Podcast

Tom Wright - The Man Behind the Theology (N99)

25 Jun 2015

Tom Wright is unquestionably one of the most influential New Testament scholars of our generation. It's hard to overestimate the influence he has had on the Church's understanding of Jesus and Paul. But what makes this great man tick? We asked...

Alastair McIntosh - Soil, Soul and Spiritual Activism (N98)

10 Jun 2015

It's quite popular these days to refer to yourself as an activist. But Alastair McIntosh is the real thing. He's taken on major corporations, and won! Why? Because he believes much of the modern world is threatening our sense of place, which he...

Rachel Held Evans - Losing My [Evangelical] Religion (N97)

23 May 2015

Rachel Held Evans is a hugely successful and influential progressive Christian blogger, author and speaker.  We talk to Rachel about her journey from a conservative evangelical faith characterised by certainty, to wrestling with...

Mike McHargue - Faith Lost and Found (N96)

8 May 2015

[Science] Mike McHargue describes himself as a Christian turned atheist turned follower of Jesus. That's right, Mike was a fully-fledged conservative evangelical Christian, but his faith crumbled away and he found himself in the rather awkward...

Derek Flood - Disarming Scripture (N95)

24 Apr 2015

What on earth are we meant to do with those passages in the Bible where God commands genocide, the stoning to death of rebellious children or poems about dashing the heads of babies on rocks?! Well, according to theologian, author and artist, Derek.....

Paul Bickley - Why Vote? (N94)

16 Apr 2015

Another General Election is upon us. Levels of apathy and disillusionment are at an all time high, and popular figures like Russell Brand are urging us to have no part in what he sees as a corrupt system. So the question we're wrestling with is: Why....

Lewis Dartnell - How to Survive if You're Left Behind (N93)

8 Apr 2015

The Rapture is a curious doctrine, as it's not in the Bible, anywhere! But let's pretend it's real, and you missed it! How would you survive the collapse of civilisation? Lewis Dartnell's day job is to search for life on Mars, but for fun he wrote...

Rick Love - Love Your [Isis] Neighbour? (N92)

7 Mar 2015

Jesus told us to love our enemies. But surely not the monstrous soldiers of Isis?!  Rick Love is President of Peace Catalyst International, and Associate Director of the World Evangelical Alliance Peace and Reconciliation Initiative. He...

Mike Stygal - Dancing with the Devil? (N91)

2 Mar 2015

Mike Stygal is a shaman (i.e. he whips himself up into an altered state of consciousness in order to hang out in the spirit world). He also happens to be the president of the British Pagan Federation. Oh, and he's married to a Christian. So he seems....

Denis Alexander - Three-Parent Babies? (N90)

26 Feb 2015

Britain is set to become the first country to have three parent babies! It's all to do with genetically modifying an embryo to prevent certain inherited diseases. But as with many scientific advances folks like us are left worrying about the...

Interfaith Easter: James Ford - A Buddhist Easter (NS22)

25 Feb 2015

For the final show in our 'Interfaith Easter' series we've asked Zen Buddhist Priest, James Ford, to reflect on Easter, which he does with great wisdom and insight. If you want more from Nomad, check out our , and follow us on and If you're looking...

Interfaith Easter: Jason Mankey and Mike Stygal - A Pagan Easter (NS21)

24 Feb 2015

Our latest Easter reflection comes from Jason Mankey and Mike Stygal. Jason was a Christian, but became increasingly disillusioned with right wing politics and intolerant attitudes, and so began to explore paganism. But despite this, he maintained hi...

Interfaith Easter: Paul Beaumont - An Atheist Easter (NS20)

23 Feb 2015

For our sixth Easter reflection we've asked Paul Beaumont to mull over what Easter means for someone who has lost their faith. Paul was a committed evangelical Christian for 25 years, but when he began to be honest about his lack of spiritual...

Interfaith Easter: Jay Lakhani - A Hindu Easter (NS19)

22 Feb 2015

Our latest Interfaith Easter reflection comes from Jay Lakhani. Jay is head of the Hindu Academy in London and Education Director for the UK Hindu Council. Oh, and he's a theoretical physicist! So sit back and enjoy an Easter reflection from a Hindu....

Interfaith Easter: Robert Cohen - A Jewish Easter (NS18)

21 Feb 2015

Our interfaith Easter series continues with Robert Cohen. Robert is a Jew, but one who is married to an Anglican Minister. This combined with the fact he lives in one of the least Jewish counties of England puts him very much on the margins. Needless...