Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson


21 Nov 2023

Death is not a subject on which most of us want to linger, for it is the enemy of the life we love. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how Christians are to think of death, that we may face this foe with hope in our risen Lord. Read the transcript: A...

The Four Last Things

20 Nov 2023

Our lives as Christian are shaped by the way we think about the future. Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses the importance of thinking about the end of our lives and reflecting on the world to come. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of....

Glorification: Perfected in Christ

17 Nov 2023

God has set His heart on perfecting us in the likeness of His Son. Today, Sinclair Ferguson presents the glorious destiny that has been guaranteed for all the redeemed in Christ. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries...

Justification: Final and Irreversible

16 Nov 2023

From the moment we first trusted in Christ, we were declared as perfectly righteous in the sight of God as Jesus Himself is. Today, Sinclair Ferguson marvels at the wonder of justification by faith alone. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

Calling: Awake, O Sleeper

15 Nov 2023

Apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, the gospel message meets with ears that are asleep in spiritual death. Today, Sinclair Ferguson illustrates God's sovereign grace in awakening us to Jesus Christ and His salvation. Read the transcript: A...

Predestination: He Loved Us First

14 Nov 2023

While predestination might seem an unsettling doctrine at first, the Bible shows that this is a wonderfully comforting teaching. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the absolute grace of God in choosing to set His love on us. Read the transcript: A...

A Golden Chain—Or Is It?

13 Nov 2023

Romans 8:30 is often called the "golden chain" that links together several elements of our salvation. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains that there may be an even better way of thinking about this cherished verse. Read the transcript: A...

How Does the Gospel Work in Our Lives?

10 Nov 2023

The gospel transforms our relationships with fellow Christians in the church, with those in authority over us, and even with our enemies. Today, Sinclair Ferguson brings application from the closing chapters of Romans. Read the transcript: A...

The Unfailing Promises of God

9 Nov 2023

After extolling the riches of the gospel, the book of Romans raises a sudden question: What about God's promises to Israel? Today, Sinclair Ferguson expounds on God's great plan to unite Jewish and gentile believers in Christ. Read the transcript: A...

The Wonders of the Gospel

8 Nov 2023

This is the gospel: The holy God we've offended is the One who delivers us from sin's condemnation and clothes us in Christ's righteousness through faith. Today, Sinclair Ferguson surveys the staggering message of Romans 3-8. Read the transcript: A....

None Is Righteous

7 Nov 2023

The opening chapters of Romans provide a devastating analysis of humanity's lost and sinful condition. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how these verses emphasize our need for God's saving grace in the gospel. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

The Letter That Changed the World

6 Nov 2023

All Scripture is inspired, yet some portions of God's Word are especially known for their transformative impact. Today, Sinclair Ferguson turns to the book that may have influenced the history of the church more than any other. Read the transcript:...

The Cup That Could Not Pass

3 Nov 2023

We will never know the full cost of our redemption, which drove Jesus to pray, "Let this cup pass from me" (Matt. 26:39). Today, Sinclair Ferguson takes us to the garden where Jesus submitted Himself to judgment in our place. Read the trans...

A Foretaste of Christ’s Glory

2 Nov 2023

Little did Peter, James, and John know that when they saw the glory of Christ in His transfiguration, He was preparing them to witness His shame in the Garden of Gethsemane. Today, Sinclair Ferguson makes a connection between these two moments. Read....

The Turning Point in Jesus’ Ministry

1 Nov 2023

At Caesarea Philippi, Jesus' disciples began to truly understand His identity and His mission. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies the turning point in Christ's ministry that took place here. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of...