The Lord's Prayer daily reminds us that we need more than strength to do better--we need God's mercy and forgiveness. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the freedom from guilt and resentment into which this prayer invites us. Read the transcript: A....
Jesus teaches us to pray for our basic needs. Praying that way can both simplify and sanctify our lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers how the Lord's Prayer directs us to ask God for strength to honor Him and do His will. Read the transcript: A...
Since the Lord's Prayer has been given to shape our praying, it also shapes our living as disciples of Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses what it means for God's kingdom and His will to be established in our lives. Read the transcript: A...
Jesus taught His disciples to address God as He did: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name" (Matt. 6:9). Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the Lord's Prayer and the precious gift we have in calling on God as Father. Read the trans...
After long ages of conflict for the people of God, Jesus Christ arrived to fulfill Genesis 3:15 in His conquest of Satan. Today, Sinclair Ferguson invites us to join with all the redeemed in exalting our triumphant Savior. Read the transcript: A...
God promised Abraham that in his seed, "all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen. 12:3). Today, Sinclair Ferguson explores how Jesus Christ fulfills this blessing in the salvation of Jewish and gentile believers. Read the transc...
Lamech spoke hopefully of his son Noah, "Out of the ground that the LORD has cursed, this one shall bring us relief" (5:20). Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains that the true rest pictured in Noah would be provided in Christ. Read the transcr...
Adam and Eve didn't know every detail about the promised One who would triumph over the tragedy of sin. But they knew God would fulfill His Word. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers God's faithfulness and His people' faith. Read the transcript: A...
The entire Bible is held together by a promise God made in the garden of Eden. Today, Sinclair Ferguson turns to Genesis 3:15 to investigate the promised Redeemer who would triumph over Satan. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of...
Adam was a prophet, priest, and king over creation, but he failed in his calling and fell short of God's glory. Today, Sinclair Ferguson looks to Christ, the second Adam, who will bring redeemed humanity into everlasting glory. Read the transcript:...
Many people are rejecting the teaching in Genesis about the boundaries of marriage and gender. But Jesus didn't reject it. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows that Christ's way is the only way for God's image-bearers to flourish. Read the transcript: A.....
No matter how hard atheists try to suppress the truth of God, they cannot escape the fact that their lives were created with meaning. Today, Sinclair Ferguson poses the biblical solution for an inconsistent life of unbelief. Read the transcript: A.....
When Adam first set his eyes on Eve, he knew that she was just what he needed. Today, Sinclair Ferguson conveys the Bible's foundational teaching on the relationship between men and women as image-bearers of God. Read the transcript: A...
When we lose hold of who God is, then our identity as His image-bearers will inevitably unravel. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the identity crisis plaguing our world and takes us to the foundation of true stability. Read the transcript: A...
Of all the people Jesus visited after His resurrection, the most intriguing may be James, His half-brother who had not believed in Him. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on Christ's tender love for His family, to which we now belong by grace. Read th...