Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life

Paradise Lost

23 Jun 2023

The Bible is a single story telling us what is wrong with the human race, what God is going to do about it, and how it’s all going to turn out.  Genesis 3 and 4 give us answers to what’s wrong with the human race and why the human race is so prone to...

Paradise in Crisis

21 Jun 2023

The Bible is not a series of disconnected stories, each one with a little moral for how to live, but it’s actually primarily a single story about what went wrong with the human race and what will put it right.  Figuring out what went wrong with the h...

The First Wedding Day

19 Jun 2023

You can’t understand the central storyline of the Bible unless you understand something about marriage. The Bible begins with a marriage in Genesis 2, and at the end, in Revelation, it ends with a marriage and the wedding supper of the Lamb. In some...

The Garden of God

16 Jun 2023

If you stand back a little bit from Genesis 1 and 2, you’ll see that perhaps the main thing the first two chapters of the Bible are about is work, job and vocation.  We’re told in Genesis 2 that God sends the human race into the world to work. He put...

In the Image of God

14 Jun 2023

We’re in a series tracing the single storyline of the whole Bible. So we’re actually looking at the history of the universe.  Today we get to this passage about how God made us in his image and likeness. This immediately brings up a huge and crucial...

The First Word

12 Jun 2023

The Bible is about how the world was made and ruined, how it was rescued through Jesus Christ, and how someday it’s going to be remade into a new heavens and new earth.  In order to trace out that storyline, we’re first taking a look at Genesis. In G...

Before the Beginning

9 Jun 2023

The Bible is not a compendium of varied stories like Aesop’s Fables, each with directions and examples on how to live. If that’s all it was, then basically the Bible would be about you and what you must do. Read rightly, the Bible is not about you—it...

Rejoicing in Tribulation

7 Jun 2023

When do you ordinarily say that God is good? When the circumstances of your life are going well for you. But Habakkuk says it’s possible to face disaster and still have a life of sustained joy in the midst of it. Habakkuk has learned that the great B...

Generosity in Scarcity

5 Jun 2023

How do you face economic scarcity? The little book of Habakkuk talks about how to handle evil times, and in particular, it describes an economic disaster. Habakkuk’s answer for dealing with economic scarcity is fuller than you might think because he...

The Culture of Pride

2 Jun 2023

The little book of Habakkuk tells us how to handle evil times, especially evil times in a culture. In this passage, God is saying to Habakkuk something about the evil Babylonian Empire that is rising up and wreaking havoc everywhere. God shows the ro...

Continuing to Share the Gospel

1 Jun 2023

Tim Keller always encouraged Christians to share the hope and beauty of the gospel with the people God puts in their lives. The ministry of Gospel in Life is most effective in spreading the gospel when you are prayerfully and thoughtfully sharing our...

Waiting and Living by Faith

31 May 2023

It’s almost cliché to hear someone say you should “wait on the Lord.” But here in Habakkuk, we have a book that’s all about how to face evil times. And one of the main ways in which we’re able to handle evil times is what the Bible calls “waiting on...

Why Does God Do Nothing?

29 May 2023

It would be possible to go to church for many decades and never hear a sermon on Habakkuk. It’s a short book in the Old Testament, and we know almost nothing about Habakkuk himself. But this book is very contemporary in its application.  This little...

Mary’s Song

26 May 2023

We’re looking at people who have had close encounters with God. Of course, Mary’s experience is often read at Christmastime. In Luke 1, Mary sings the very first Christmas carol. It’s the first Christmas song, and I’d say it’s the best.  Let’s look a...

Hagar and the Son

24 May 2023

When people in the Bible have close encounters with God, in almost every situation they say, “I can’t believe I’m still alive,” and Hagar is one of them. In Genesis 16, we see the story of Hagar, the maidservant of Sarah. Sarah’s and Hagar’s experien...