
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Classic Replay: Did Osama Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam?

23 Nov 2021

Recorded shortly after the death of Osama Bin Laden in May 2011, this show brought together radical Islamist Anjem Choudary, moderate Muslim thinker Muhammed AL Husseini, and Christian evangelist Jay Smith to debate whether Bin Laden represented the...

Is toxic masculinity a problem in the church? Kyle Thompson and Martin Saunders

19 Nov 2021

Kyle Thompson of men's ministry Undaunted Life says we need to champion biblical masculinity in a church that is too feminised. Martin Saunders, author of 'The Man You Were Made To Be' says we need to leave behind gender stereotypes and help young Ch...

Classic Replay: Brian McLaren & James White debate the Emerging Church

16 Nov 2021

First broadcast in April 2011, this show is a snapshot of where the debate on the ‘emerging church’ was ten years ago and took place in the wake of Rob Bell’s recently published book ‘Love Wins’. Progressive theologian Brian McLaren faced off against...

Do we need to rethink the Koran and the Trinity? Abdulla Galadari and Joshua Sijuwade

12 Nov 2021

The deity of Jesus is a doctrine that typically divides Muslims and Christians. However, Dr Abdulla Galadari, author of 'Quranic Hermeneutics' believes the Koran doesn't reject the Gospels' view of Jesus - it interprets them.  He engages with Christi...

Classic Replay: Bart Ehrman vs Mike Licona - Resurrection Debate

9 Nov 2021

First broadcast for Easter 2011. Bart Ehrman is well known as a US New Testament Scholar who lost his Christian faith. When Mike Licona had doubts he devoted himself to investigating the evidence and became convinced that Jesus resurrection is the on...

What does the science of climate change say? Hugh Ross and Antonia Godber

5 Nov 2021

With COP26 the United Nations climate change conference underway in Glasgow, Justin is joined by climate change campaigner Antonia Godber and scientist Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe.  They discuss the science of climate change, whether we are headi...

Classic Replay: Is God a Moral Monster? Paul Copan vs Norman Bacrac

2 Nov 2021

First broadcast in April 2011. Richard Dawkins describes the Old Testament God as "a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser" (among other things).  In this show from April 2011 Christian philosopher and apologist Paul Copan explained why...

CS Lewis on screen - Max McLean and Norman Stone on The Most Reluctant Convert movie

29 Oct 2021

Max McLean, who has played the role of CS Lewis on stages across the world, talks to Justin Brierley about his new biopic 'The Most Reluctant Convert' and CS Lewis' famous journey from atheism to Christianity. Justin also talks to the film's director...

Classic Replay: Muslim & Christian debate - Did Jesus die on the cross?

26 Oct 2021

First broadcast in March 2011. Mohammed Bahmanpour defends the Koranic view that although "it was made to appear to them" that he died, in fact Jesus was substituted by another. Jay Smith, Christian evangelist to Muslims, brings to bear Bib...

Should Christians practise Yoga? Mike Shreve and Chris James

22 Oct 2021

Two former high-level Yoga practitioners, Mike Shreve and Chris James, tell their stories of converting to Christianity and engage the question of whether Christians should practise Yoga. For Mike Shreve: http://www.thetruelight.net  For Chris James:...

Classic Replay: Does Music point to God?

19 Oct 2021

First broadcast in March 2011. David Robertson contends that the joy and meaning we experience in music is a pointer beyond itself to an ultimate source of joy and meaning in God. He engaged with atheist musician Gordon Livesey who contends that whil...

CRT and Woke Christianity - Owen Strachan vs Jermaine Marshall

15 Oct 2021

Is the church too woke or just broke? Owen Strachan author of 'Christianity and Wokeness' argues the church is 'too woke' when it comes to social justice. Rev Jermaine Marshall author of 'Christianity Corrupted' says it's just broke' in its complicit...

Classic Replay: Is the King James Version the best?

12 Oct 2021

First broadcast in Feb 2011. On the 400th anniversary on from the creation of The King James Bible we debated the view of some Christians that it is God’s chosen translation for the English speaking world. Rev Kyle Paisley - who holds to 'King James...

Abortion and the Texas heartbeat bill - Stephanie Gray Connors vs Rev Bromleigh McCleneghan

8 Oct 2021

The Texas 'heartbeat' bill, prohibiting termination after 6 weeks gestation has put abortion law in the spotlight recently.  Pro-life advocate Stephanie Gray Connors and pro-choice minister Rev Bromleigh McCleneghan debate the legal, ethical and reli...

Classic Replay: Alister McGrath vs Stephen Law - Why Won’t God Go Away?

5 Oct 2021

First broadcast in Feb 2011. Christian theologian Alister McGrath and atheist philosopher Stephen Law joined Justin to debate the subject matter of Alister’s book ‘Why God Won’t Go Away’. More Resources: • For exclusive resources and to support us: U...