
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

2021 Conference highlights - NT Wright, Tom Holland, Clare Williams, Sean and Josh McDowell

21 May 2021

Justin presents highlights from the recent Unbelievable? Conference 2021: How to tell the greatest story ever told, featuring NT Wright, Tom Holland, Clare Williams, Sean & Josh McDowell and Ruth Jackson.    Get all the HD video sessions from the...

NT Wright and Douglas Murray - Identity, myth & miracles: How do we live in a post-Christian world?

14 May 2021

Episode 3 | Season 3 of The Big Conversation. Social commentator Douglas Murray engages theologian NT Wright on whether Christianity still makes best sense of the world in a post-Christian age, and how to address the growing meaning and identity cris...

Should Christians embrace the Enneagram? Todd Wilson & Marcia Montenegro

7 May 2021

The Enneagram has become a wildly popular personality tool in secular and spiritual circles. But is it a theologically valid way of understanding human psychology? Pastor and theologian Todd Wilson, author of 'The Enneagram goes to church' believes t...

Classic Replay: Can we trust the Trinity? – James White and Sir Anthony Buzzard

5 May 2021

Is the doctrine of the Trinity to be found in the Bible? Was Jesus really "of one substance" with God the Father? US Christian apologist James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries returns to defend the doctrine of the Trinity as he discusses...

Why the Bible makes sense of modern life - Tom Holland & Andrew Ollerton

30 Apr 2021

It's still the bestselling book in the world. But can the Bible speak to modern life in the way it has to past generations? Andrew Ollerton, author of 'The Bible: A book that makes sense of life', explains why he believes the Bible has a unique abili...

Classic Replay: The Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon & Easter – Christian Nseka and Doug Harris

27 Apr 2021

The Unification church of Revd Sun Myung Moon (aka The Moonies) is often regarded as a cult.  But what do they actually believe about Jesus and his death and resurrection? Christian Nseka is a member of the religion and believes we need to see Jesus'...

Nick Bostrom and Ros Picard - God, AI & the future of humanity: Is technology the key to immortality?

23 Apr 2021

Episode 2 | Season 3 of The Big Conversation. Prof Nick Bostrom, director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University and Prof Rosalind Picard, director of the Affective Computing Research Group at MIT debate the philosophical and spirit...

Classic Replay: Seventh Day Adventism – David Burnett, Victor Hulbert and Doug Harris

21 Apr 2021

An Inter-Christian discussion on the beliefs and doctrines that are distinctive of Seventh Day Adventists. Why do they hold to Saturday as the ‘true’ day for worship and rest? Are they too legalistic? What about the failed prophecy of Christ's return...

Do Muslims & Christians worship the same God? Andy Bannister & Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon

16 Apr 2021

It's often claimed that, despite their religious differences, Muslims and Christians still believe in and worship the same creator God.  In his new book Andy Bannister explains why he believes the God of Islam and Christianity cannot be the same. In...

Classic Replay: Are we alone in the universe? – Paul Davies & John Lennox

13 Apr 2021

What does it take for life to get going in our universe?  Is there intelligence in the stars or right under our nose? Renowned astrophysicist Paul Davies chats to Oxford Professor of Mathematics John Lennox. A popular science author, Davies’ book ‘Th...

Is Christianity a trick of the mind? TikTok hypnotist Zach Pincince and Christian illusionist Bryan Drake

9 Apr 2021

TikTok star Zach Pincince lost his faith after developing a career in hypnotism and growing doubts about whether Jesus rose again. He engages with Christian evangelist and stage illusionist Bryan Drake on whether religious belief is down to our sugge...

Bishop Robert Barron and Alex O’Connor (Cosmic Skeptic) – Christianity or Atheism: Which makes best sense of who we are?

2 Apr 2021

Bishop Robert Barron of Word on Fire and Alex O'Connor of the Cosmic Skeptic channel discuss the evidence for God, the nature of faith and the problem of suffering in the first episode of The Big Conversation season 3. For a bonus video of Bishop Bar...

Classic Replay: The historical Jesus – Philip Pullman, Anthony McRoy and Martin Saunders

30 Mar 2021

In prominent atheist author Philip Pullman’s ‘The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ’, he re-imagines the story of Jesus as the story of two twins - one called Jesus, the other Christ. It is the twin Christ who writes the history of Jesus, turni...

Beyond Belief: A youth worker's doubt and deconstruction – Logan Walker and Ben Jack

26 Mar 2021

Former Christian youth worker, Logan Walker, shares some of the reasons for losing his faith. Evangelist Ben Jack from the Message Trust responds to some of Logan's doubts and provides some of his own thoughts on these difficult topics.  For Ben Ja....

Classic Replay: Natural evil – Bill Dembski and Norman Hansen

23 Mar 2021

How can natural evil and death that have existed for millions of years on an Old Earth view be reconciled to the view that the Fall brought these things into God's good world? Why does God answer some prayers and not others?  Does free will exist? Am...