‘Truth Over Tribe: Pledging allegiance to the lamb, not the donkey or the elephant’ is the name of the poignant book by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. They are both church pastors in the USA who started the Truth Over Tribe podcast to combat polaris...
Although the number of nones in the USA has flatlined in recent years, deconstruction is still on the mind of many young people. This week a Christian apologist - raised without any religion, and a Christian who moved to agnostic atheism debate how w...
Recorded at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, atheist Alex O’Connor (aka Cosmic Skeptic) and Christian apologist Lukas Ruegger join Justin discuss the hiddeness of God. OCCA tutor Max Baker-Hytch also joins the discussion for a post-script commentary...
This week’s Unbelievable Podcast is a special #NoQuestionOffLimits episode that you won't want to miss. We’re revisiting one of our live Q&A events, hosted in collaboration with Spring Harvest. Joining us on the panel is the renowned public th...
From the Archives: How should Christians understand the Adam & Eve story in Genesis? Is it scientifically plausible that humanity can be traced back to a first human couple? What does it mean for the concept of ‘Original Sin’? These and more que...
Ever find yourself asking tough questions of God? Struggling to see His goodness and wondering, "Are you really there, God?" 🤔🙏 Our 'No Question Off Limits' panels are here to tackle these tough questions head-on. We've teamed up with Spring Harve...
Explore the intricate and enlightening conversation between scholars Beryl Dov Lerner and Phil Sumpter as they delve into Jewish and Christian interpretations of scripture, covenants, and theological modesty. This engaging debate asks ‘Can we know Go...
This recording of a live debate between Andrew Bunt and Charlie Bell speaks to sexuality, gender, and identity within the church. Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations Director at Living Out and author of "Finding Your Best Identity," is a same-sex attra...
How do we live well with nations, ecosystems, economies, religions, and other institutions in disarray? Data reveals widespread anxiety among young people globally regarding the impact of climate change on their future. Unbelievable host Andy Kind se...
Billy Hallowell sits down with Joshua Broome to explore his extraordinary life transformation. Joshua, once a top adult film star, shares his story of fame, wealth, and the emptiness that led him to seek a deeper purpose. In this gripping episode, Jo...
Did you hear the one about the three philosophers? Yes, on Unbelievable? 👀 🧠 🎙️In this episode, Oxford philosopher Stephen Law, the main proponent of the Evil God Challenge, argues that the evidential problem of evil challenges the belief in a good...
This episode dives into the debate between the annihilationist view (also known as 'conditional immortality') and the traditional 'eternal conscious torment' perspective on hell that has been highlighted among scholars for years. Dr. Al Mohler, For...
Why do we tend to go for an experience that feels good and when something feels bad, we tend to avoid it? Why are conscious experiences and behaviour paired together in the most rational way? The Unbelievable podcast unpacks the mystery of psycho-ph...
Ever struggled to share your faith with your friends, family or colleagues? You're not alone! Today we're joined by Rt Revd John Pritchard, Former Bishop of Oxford and Acclaimed Author of 'How to Explain Your Faith' to talk about effective ways (as w...
If God is the creator and doesn't make mistakes, what about trans people? 👀 Are miracles real and can they ever be medically verified? 🔥 In today's episode we’re taking you to the second half of the recording of a live event we call NO QUESTION OFF...