Two friends, Bentley Browning (the Christian) and Simon Capes (the atheist) are both comics. They tell Justin about the religious role reversal they are undertaking and why they decided to do it. Bentley will be stopping prayer, Bible reading and go....
If God ordains the future, can humans have free will? Are people predestined for salvation? And what does the Bible say on the matter? William Lane Craig is a Christian philosopher and leading proponent of Molinism, a view of divine sovereignty that....
The second of three shows debating the identity of Jesus. Orthodox Rabbi David Lister talks to New Testament scholar David Instone-Brewer. They discuss the rabbinic credentials of Jesus and why they differ on whether he was the messiah of the Jews. ....
Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but not the Son of God as Christians believe. James White is a US Bible Scholar and Yusuf Ismail is a Muslim scholar from South Africa - they debate the issues. This programme is brought to you in partnersh....
Reza Aslan is the author of the bestselling book Zealot which claims Jesus was a political revolutionary and not the peace loving Messiah of the Gospels. He debates with New Testament scholar Anthony Le Donne who has written a scathing review of Asl....
Richard Dawkins has described the God of the Old Testament as (among other things) a "capriciously malevolent bully". The world's best known atheist joins Justin Brierley to discuss the morality of the Old Testament in light of the Bible TV...
Stephen C Meyer is the world's leading Intelligent Design proponent. His new book Darwin's Doubt claims that the Cambrian fossil record, which saw an "explosion" of new life forms in a short space of time, is evidence for ID. Evolutionary b...
US Bible teacher John MacArthur recently condemned charismatic Christians as unbiblical and unsaved at his Strange Fire conference. Reformed Blogger Adrian Warnock explains why John MacArthur has thrown the charismatic baby out with the bathwater, an...
Hanns Mattsson, a leader in the European wing of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints recently went public about his doubts in the New York Times Fo....
Ann Furedi of the British Preganancy Advisory Service (the UK's largest abortion provider) debates Gregg Cunningham of the pro-life Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform. They debate the motion "This house believes that it is morally wrong for groups to...
The National Secular Society recently raised concerns that Christian groups were infiltrating RE lessons in order to evangelise at schools. Although their report was dismissed by the Department for Education, President Terry Sanderson explains why t....
Renowned New Testament Scholar NT (Tom) Wright joins Justin to talk about his new book 'Paul And The Faithfulness of God'. He also answers a number of listener questions that have come in on Facebook and Twitter He answers questions on hell, Satan, ....
How does a non-religious person choose to mark significant milestones in life such as births, weddings and deaths? Some people are turning to the services of Humanist celebrants such as Hannah Hart, who talks to Justin about her line of work. Faith....
Rice Broocks is a US church leader. His new book 'God's Not Dead' gathers together various lines of evidence for the existence of God. Atheist listener David Beebee steps up to the plate to discuss the book with Rice. He explains why the evidence do....
The Protestant Reformation brought forth the cry "Sola Scriptura" - that Christianity should be based on the words of scripture alone, not on Roman Catholic church tradition. Peter D Williams of Catholic Voices argues that the reformers wer...