Randal Rauser is a Christian, John Loftus is a former-Christian-now-atheist. They have co-authored the book God Or Godless? debating 20 controversial questions. They join Justin for two discussions. In his Outsider Test for Faith Loftus claims that....
Over 600 people attended the third Unbelievable? Conference in London in May 2013 - Jesus: Liar, lunatic, Legend or Lord. In this programme we hear some audio extracts from the conference which aimed to equip Christian with good reasons for the fait....
Brother Guy Consolmagno has an asteroid named after him. The planetary scientist for the Vatican talks to Justin Brierley about his journey of faith, his scientific research and answers questions from listeners on the interaction of science and Chri...
Russell Stannard is emeritus professor of Physics at The Open University. He is a Christian and presenter of the RE Today Services Science & Belief videos Steve Jones is emeritus professor of genetics at University College London. An atheist, he...
Do science and genetics support the existence of a 'first' human couple? How should we interpret the first chapters of Genesis? Do we need a historical Adam & Eve to make sense of sin and salvation? Three Christians discuss the issues from differ...
Amy Orr-Ewing is an evangelist and apologist with the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. She is a speaker at Unbelievable? The Conference 2013 Amy takes calls from 3 atheist listeners. Trevor asks whether we can trust the Gospels as eyewitness...
In the USA Kermit Gosnell is being tried on counts of murdering children born alive in illegal late-term abortions at his unsanitary practise in Philadelphia. Dr Trevor Stammers is a Christian former GP who refused to personally refer women for abor....
Alister McGrath chats to Justin Brierley about his major new biography 'CS Lewis: A Life - Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet'. They discuss Lewis' (re-dated) conversion, his life in Oxford, his arguments for God and why he remains so singificant a....
For more information about Rob Bell's new book, click here: http://bit.ly/15Mve2T Rob Bell returns to Unbelievable? 2 years after his debate on the controversial best-seller 'Love Wins'. He talks about life after Mars Hill Bible Church and his late....
In a podcast special, atheist scientist Adam Rutherford and Christian biochemist Fazale (Fuz) Rana of Reasons To Believe, discuss the latest advances in synthetic bio-engineering and whether they support or contradict the view that life is a product....
Was the emergence of the first self-replicating organism a result of design or the blind forces of nature? Adam Rutherford is an atheist scientist whose new book "Creation: The Origin of Life" claims to show a naturalistic explanation for h...
Christians believe that Jesus' death on the cross provided the atonement for sins. But in what way? Advocates of the penal substitution view hold that God punished the Son, instead of us. Others argue this is an unjust way of viewing the crucifixion....
AC Grayling is one of the Uk's most well known atheist thinkers. His new book The God Argument claims to refute the key arguments for God and show why humanism is the best way forward. Christian Philosopher Peter S Williams interacts with Grayling w....
"Why?" is the title of the new book by Sharon Dirckx looking at God, evil and suffering. She interacts with atheist Alom Shaha as we ask "how can a loving God allow suffering?" We also hear stories from people who have been throug...
Rowan Williams led the Anglican Church for 10 years. He reflects on his journey of faith, and the trials and joys of his time in office in a wide ranging interview with Justin Brierley. Find out why he briefly considered becoming a Catholic, what he...