
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Secularism & Christianity - Os Guinness & Terry Sanderson - Unbelievable?

23 Jun 2014

Social Critic and Christian author Os Guinness sets out his "Global Charter of Conscience" which seeks to give all voices a fair hearing in the public square. He debates with Terry Sanderson of the UK National Secular Society about the limi...

Is there evidence for a cosmic creator? Hugh Ross vs Lewis Wolpert - Unbelievable? 23 Jun 2012

23 Jun 2014

Recorded at Imperial College London. Christian astrophysicist Hugh Ross of Reasons To Believe debates atheist biologist Lewis Wolpert. Ross brings evidence for God from Big Bang cosmology, explaining why scientific advance provides a testable model ....

Do we live on an old or young earth? Unbelievable? 17 Jun 2012

23 Jun 2014

Young Earth Creationists (YEC) claim the earth and universe is only some 6000 years old according to the Bible and that science that goes against this is flawed. Old Earth Creationists (OEC) argue that the Bible does not commit us to a 24hr day view....

Unbelievable? The Conference 2012: Michael Green & guests - Unbelievable? 9 Jun 2012

23 Jun 2014

Order Unbelievable? The Conference 2012 on DVD http://www.premier.org.uk/dvd John Lennox, Michael Green, Bonnie Yule-Kuehne, Ken Samples & Hugh Ross join Justin Brierley for a show of highlights from Unbelievable? The Conference 2012 - Giving A S...

Immortality - Stephen Cave & Roger Harper - Unbelievable? 2 Jun 2012

23 Jun 2014

Stephen Cave is the author of "Immortality: The quest to live forever and how it drives civilisation". As an atheist he examines the ways in which people have sought eternal life down the ages and in different parts of the world. Roger Harp...

Does God Exist? Calum Miller vs Peter Atkins - Unbelievable? 31 May 2012

23 Jun 2014

A podcast only show featuring the full debate on "Does God Exist?" held at Christ Church College, Oxford between Christian undergraduate Calum Miller and Atheist academic Peter Atkins. Calum Miller presents philosophical evidence for the ex...

Was Jesus a Calvinist? James White & David Instone-Brewer - Unbelievable? 19 May 2012

23 Jun 2014

Last week to book for Unbelievable? The Conference! http://www.premier.org.uk/reasons David Instone-Brewer is a New Testament Scholar at Tyndale House, Cambridge. He returns to talk about his new book "The Jesus Scandals" and some of the re...

Podcast special - Gay Marriage Debate - David Robertson vs Adrian Trett - Unbelievable? 17 May 2012

23 Jun 2014

This podcast only recording is a debate held at Gunnersbury Baptist Church on the question "Should marriage be redefined to include same-sex unions?". For redefining marriage, Adrian Trett of the Liberal Democrat LGBT group. Against redefin...

Podcast special - William Lane Craig vs Peter Atkins - Manchester debate - Unbelievable? 17 May 2012

23 Jun 2014

The full recording of the final debate of the UK Reasonable Faith Tour with William Lane Craig. William Lane Craig is a Christian philosopher, Peter Atkins is an atheist scientist.  In this their second encounter, they debate arguments for and again....

Antagonistic atheism: David Robertson vs Mike Lee - Unbelievable? 12 May 2012

23 Jun 2014

Mike Lee aka "The Religious Antagonist" is a US atheist who makes YouTube videos mocking Christianity.  His videos are popular but his approach earns him both praise and criticism from fellow atheists. David Robertson is Pastor of St Peter'...

Why is the Universe the way it is? Hugh Ross & Paul Davies - Unbelievable? 5 May 2012

23 Jun 2014

Mike Lee aka "The Religious Antagonist" is a US atheist who makes YouTube videos mocking Christianity.  His videos are popular but his approach earns him both praise and criticism from fellow atheists. David Robertson is Pastor of St Peter'...

A Universe From Nothing? Lawrence Krauss & Rodney Holder - Unbelievable? 28 Apr 2012

23 Jun 2014

Lawrence Krauss is a Cosmologist at Arizona State University who describes himself as an "anti-theist".  His latest book "A Universe From Nothing" has received both acclaim and criticism for its attempt to answer the question &quo...

The Gay Marriage Debate - Tatchell vs Williams Unbelievable? 21 Apr 2012

23 Jun 2014

Peter Tatchell is a lifelong gay rights campaigner who has staged controversial protests campaigning for equal rights.  He believes that the proposed legislation to introduce same-sex marriage in the UK is long overdue. Peter D Williams of Catholic ....

The Easter Scandal - David Instone-Brewer & Bob Price - Unbelievable? 7 Apr 2012

23 Jun 2014

On the show this week: The Jesus Scandals is the new book by New Testament Scholar David Instone-Brewer which claims that various aspects of Jesus life and ministry were a scandal to early Christians, and would have never been included in the Gospel....

What's wrong with the world? Unbelievable? 14 Apr 2012

23 Jun 2014

On the show this week: Andrew Wilson is an apologist, author and elder at Kings Church Eastbourne. His new book 'If God, Then What?' presents arguments for the existence of God and how the Christian Gospel addresses the issues of suffering and death....