Many have suggested that Christian belief in the divinity and worship of Jesus as God was a late development, and that Jesus' early followers did not regard him as being equal with God. So was Jesus merely regarded as an "elevated" being? ...
Ian Thorpe is an atheist and Jenni Hutchinson a Christian. They got chatting about faith after bumping into each other on the internet. They discuss whether the church is having a beneficial effect on society, Ian's concerns over "fundamentalism...
Andrew Wilson is an author and church leader. His book "GodStories" describes the Bible as "the gospel of God". He says the story is told in multiple ways of sins forgiven, shame removed, beauty restored, and meaning reinstated....
The film "Creation" is released in the UK Sep 2009. Telling the story of how Charles Darwin came to write "On the Origin of Species" 150 years ago, the film highlights the clash of evolutionary theory and Christian belief. The p...
Christian Apologist David Robertson, Atheist blogger Ed Turner and Christian convert Richard Morgan return to debate the rights and wrongs of Christian and atheist influence in society. For David Robertson's book "The Dawkins Letters" Click...
Continuing on from their discussion last week, believing and non-believing New Testament historians Richard Bauckham and James Crossley discuss whether the testimony of eyewitnesses in the Gospels is trustworthy. Bauckham fills out his reasoning for....
Richard Morgan was a confirmed atheist for much of his life and a keen poster on the website. However, after becoming disillusioned with the mentality of some atheists on the website, he subsequently experienced a dramatic conver....
"Jesus and the Eyewitnesses" has been heralded as a paradigm shift in the way the authorship of the Gospels should be seen. Richard Bauckham is the author of the book, which won the 2009 Michael Ramsey prize. He argues that the Gospels a...
Scriptural Reasoning is an organisation committed to honest interfaith dialogue that promotes "better quality disagreement". Its founder Muhammad Al-Hussaini explains how they hope to bring greater understanding of the scriptures of the th...
Many "New Atheists" have written books claiming that Christianity is bad for people. Barry Duke is editor of "The Freethinker" - a longstanding humanist magazine and website that seeks to show why religion is bad for the world. ...
What do Christians believe about the immortality of the soul and the justification for punishment? Has hell been lost as a doctrine in the modern church? In their second inter-Christian encounter James White and Roger and Faith Forster explain thei....
The first of two programmes focussing on inter-Christian debates over doctrine. 500 years ago the birth of John Calvin heralded the arrival of one who would have a momentous impact on the shape of world Christianity. Calvinism is most often defined ....
You don't have to look far for claims of the miraculous. But what constitutes a "miracle" and do Christian beliefs in this area make sense? Michael Shermer is a well-known atheist in the USA and Director of the Skeptics Society. He says mi...
A re-broadcast of a classic debate that won a New York Radio Festivals Gold medal. Peter Hearty is an atheist who says that Evolution alone explains the living world around us. Peter Williams, an Intelligent Design proponent claims that Evolution i....
Peter Hitchens is a well known journalist and Anglican Christian. Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, he believes Christianity is an essential bedrock for society. He says Islam will fill the spiritual vaccuum of Britain if secularists have th....