
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Unbelievable? 23 May 2009 Buddhism & Christianity in dialogue

5 Jun 2014

Geshe Tashi Tsering has been a Buddhist monk since he was a teenager.  He claims that fulfillment in life involves shedding negative mental states and embracing the enlightened understanding of Buddhism.  We are the answer to our own salvation. Suni....

Unbelievable? 16 May 2009 Angels & Demons movie

5 Jun 2014

Angels & Demons is the sequel to the film "The Da Vinci Code" - both by Dan Brown.  Is Angels & Demons as controversial as Da Vinci? Probably not, but some are worried at the way it represents the Catholic Church and the science/fai...

Unbelievable? 9 May 2009 - Was Jesus the Jewish Messiah?

5 Jun 2014

Jesus was a Jew.  Christianity owes its birth to Judaism.  But did Jesus represent the fulfilment of Jewish Messianic hopes and prophecy? Jonathan Romain is Rabbi of a Reform Synagogue in Maidenhead and was recently named as one of the most influen....

Unbelievable? 25 Apr 2009 Euthanasia

5 Jun 2014

Former UK Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt recently tabled an amendment to the Coroners and Justice Bill seeking to allow people not to be prosecuted for aiding others to die at overseas euthanasia clinics. Those who oppose Euthanasia see this is as....

Unbelievable? 2 May 2009 "Did Jesus exist?"

5 Jun 2014

While non-Christians may doubt the miracles and resurrection of Jesus, few doubt his actual existence.  However, Ken Humphreys believes the evidence for Jesus' very existence is scant and that Christian belief in him is the result of "late and...

Unbelievable? 18 Apr 2009 - "I am a Christian" - Are Christians being marginalised?

5 Jun 2014

Premier is inviting Christians to sign the "I am a Christian" declaration at www.iamachristian.org.uk and stand up for their Christian faith. It's in response to the fact that over 100,000 have downloaded the National Secular Society's &quo...

Unbelievable? 11 Apr 2009 - Did Jesus Rise from the dead? An atheist perspective

5 Jun 2014

Steven Carr has a prolific presence on the internet as an atheist blogger and debater.  He contends that  the early Christians did not believe in Jesus' resurrection and that the Biblical views of resurrection are contradictory. Canon Michael Cole i....

Unbelievable? 4 Apr 2009 Did Jesus rise from the dead? A Muslim perpective

5 Jun 2014

Did Jesus rise from the dead?  What if he never actually died on the cross? As Easter approaches we hear from one of the best respected Muslim scholars in the world - Shabir Ally.  He explains why he does not believe Jesus rose from the dead, namely....

Unbelievable? 28 Mar 2009 "Challenging Atheist Myths" Part 2

5 Jun 2014

Are atheists guilty of misunderstanding morality and the Bible?  David Robertson is a Free Church Minister in Scotland and author of the best selling book "The Dawkins letters - Challenging atheist myths".  He meets "atheist blogger&qu...

Unbelievable? 21 Mar 2009 "Challenging Atheist Myths" Part1

5 Jun 2014

Church minister David Robertson authored a series of Open Letters to Richard Dawkins after the publication of "The God Delusion" that sought to expose the flaws in his argument and the "atheist myths" that he was guilty of. Those...

Unbelievable? 14 Mar 2009 Fine Tuning of the Universe

5 Jun 2014

The most recent scientific evidence shows that the universe had to be incredibly "fine tuned" in its fundamental constants to allow life.  Is this the ultimate proof of a designer God?  Nicholas Beale believes so.  He is the co-author of &...

Unbelievable? 7 Mar 2009 "The Reason for God" - Timothy Keller

5 Jun 2014

Timothy Keller started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York in 1989. It now attracts several thousand members to worship every week. His book "The Reason for God" answers the questions he is commonly asked by sceptical New Yorkers. He e...

Unbelievable? 28 Feb 2009 Mormon & Christian Dialogue

5 Jun 2014

In 19th Century America Joseph Smith claimed to have been given a new revelation of God and Jesus Christ. Almost 200 years later, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints numbers more than 13 million members. Justin explores the key differen....

Unbelievable? 21 Feb 2009 DNA - the fingerprints of God?

5 Jun 2014

Could the DNA that makes up the building blocks of life of every living thing on the earth be the clue to a cosmic designer? That's the view of Christian guest Perry Marshall. An electrical engineer by background, he is now a leading authority on in....

Unbelievable? 7 Feb 2009 "The Atheist's Bible"

5 Jun 2014

"The Atheist's Bible" (Duckworth & Co) has been a bestseller in the USA. It brings together a mass of quotes from atheists, agnostics and more. Its compiler Joan Konner speaks to Justin Brierley about why she put it together and her own...