
Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Unbelievable? 21 Mar 2009 "Challenging Atheist Myths" Part1

5 Jun 2014

Church minister David Robertson authored a series of Open Letters to Richard Dawkins after the publication of "The God Delusion" that sought to expose the flaws in his argument and the "atheist myths" that he was guilty of. Those...

Unbelievable? 14 Mar 2009 Fine Tuning of the Universe

5 Jun 2014

The most recent scientific evidence shows that the universe had to be incredibly "fine tuned" in its fundamental constants to allow life.  Is this the ultimate proof of a designer God?  Nicholas Beale believes so.  He is the co-author of &...

Unbelievable? 7 Mar 2009 "The Reason for God" - Timothy Keller

5 Jun 2014

Timothy Keller started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York in 1989. It now attracts several thousand members to worship every week. His book "The Reason for God" answers the questions he is commonly asked by sceptical New Yorkers. He e...

Unbelievable? 28 Feb 2009 Mormon & Christian Dialogue

5 Jun 2014

In 19th Century America Joseph Smith claimed to have been given a new revelation of God and Jesus Christ. Almost 200 years later, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints numbers more than 13 million members. Justin explores the key differen....

Unbelievable? 21 Feb 2009 DNA - the fingerprints of God?

5 Jun 2014

Could the DNA that makes up the building blocks of life of every living thing on the earth be the clue to a cosmic designer? That's the view of Christian guest Perry Marshall. An electrical engineer by background, he is now a leading authority on in....

Unbelievable? 7 Feb 2009 "The Atheist's Bible"

5 Jun 2014

"The Atheist's Bible" (Duckworth & Co) has been a bestseller in the USA. It brings together a mass of quotes from atheists, agnostics and more. Its compiler Joan Konner speaks to Justin Brierley about why she put it together and her own...

Unbelievable? 14 Feb 2009 "Darwin and God" - Nick Spencer

5 Jun 2014

As the world marks Darwin's bicentenary, Nick Spencer of Christian thinktank Theos and author of the book "Darwin & God" explains where Darwin actually stood in relation to belief in God. Although Darwin lost his Christian faith he was...

Unbelievable? 31 Jan 2009 Christadelphianism

5 Jun 2014

On the surface Christadelphians look very similar to Christians - they read the same Bible, go to church, believe Jesus died for our sins and rose again. So what's the difference between a Christian and a Christadelphian? Justin finds out from Chris....

Unbelievable? 24 Jan 2009 "How did Christianity begin?" Part 2

5 Jun 2014

Justin is joined for the seond time by New Testament scholars Michael F Bird And James G Crossley.  Their book "How Did Christianity begin? A believer and non-believer examine the evidence" gives rival accounts of the cause of Christianity...

Unbelievable? 17 Jan 2009 "How did Christianity begin?" Part 1

5 Jun 2014

On this week's show (17 Jan 09) two New Testament scholars go head to head. Michael Bird is a believer, James Crossley is not. They have different conclusions about how the Christian faith began and have written a dialogue in their new book "How...

Unbelievable? 3 Jan 2009 "Misquoting Jesus" Ehrman & Williams

5 Jun 2014

Bart Ehrman is the US author of the bestselling book "Misquoting Jesus" (In the UK "Whose word is it?").  He calls into question the authority of the New Testament as scribal changes over time have changed the documents.  So can...

Unbelievable? 10 Jan 2009 The problem of suffering - Ehrman & Swinburne

5 Jun 2014

Bart Ehrman lost his faith altogether when he confronted the problem of how a loving, powerful God can allow suffering.  In his new book "God's Problem" he states that the Bible contains different and unconvincing explanations to the issue....

Unbelievable? 27 Dec 2008 End of Year apologetics interview special

5 Jun 2014

A treat for the end of the year as Justin plays some exclusive content accumulated in the past year.  NT Wright is among contributors to a feature answering common ojections to the resurrection of Jesus; New York Pastor Tim Keller on his book "T...

Unbelievable? 20 Dec 2008 The Virgin Birth - for & against

5 Jun 2014

Canon Michael Sayward believes that the Virgin Conception is an attested historical fact, and an essential doctrine for Christian belief. Unitarian minister Sarah Tinker believes it to be a "beautiful myth" that should not be taken literall...

Unbelievable? 6 Dec 2008 Christian Zionism, Israel & the Church

5 Jun 2014

Does God have a continuing special convenant relationship with Jewish people?  Should Christians be especially concerned for Israel?  Two Christians with very different views tackle this week's subject.  Revd Stephen Sizer has written extensively ag....