The Bible calls Jesus the Prince of Peace. He doesn’t just bring peace—He is Peace. But what does that mean for us? Let’s explore how we can experience His perfect Peace, even in the middle of fear and anxiety.
When life stretches you to the limit, finding hope can feel impossible. The Bible promises God has good plans for your life, and you can have hope no matter your circumstances.
What you do matters. Because of your faithful serving and giving, our church has been able to bring the love of Jesus to people worldwide! To thank you, we’re sharing just a few stories of the lives you’ve helped reach. Feeling depressed, anxious, o...
It can feel like you’re always waiting—in traffic, in line, or on hold. But when you’re waiting on God, the delay can be discouraging. How do you keep your faith in God’s goodness while trusting His timeline? Let’s learn how in this message. Use the...
If you feel like you’re constantly overwhelmed with worry, you’re not alone. How do we overcome anxiety and trust God no matter what? Let’s find out in this message. Use these resources to create unity at home, in your neighborhood, and at work: htt...
Are you worried? Anxious? Whatever’s on your mind is on God’s heart. You can trust God is with you, even in the middle of chaos. Let’s learn more in this encouraging message.
In a culture of compromise, it can be hard to stand firm in your beliefs. How do we hold tight to what Jesus says even when it’s uncomfortable? Let’s find out in this message.
The Bible says that God will meet all your needs (Philippians 4:19). But what do you do when you feel like you don’t have enough? How do you take this from a promise you read to a truth you believe? Pastor Jabin Chavez shares more in this message.
Life is uncertain, and when things don’t go as planned, it might feel like God has broken His promises. How do you keep trusting God will provide? Let’s talk about it more in this message.
We all want the good life. Maybe to you, that means the latest tech or zero traffic on your commute. But a truly fulfilled life? It comes when we grow in generosity. Let’s find out more in this message.
It’s easy to celebrate God’s blessings when they happen on your terms. But what about when He doesn’t respond the way you think He should? Do you get annoyed? Angry? What do you do when you can’t control your emotions?
Good news: No matter what you’ve done, God has a plan for your future. You might have made mistakes, but God gives second chances. Wondering how—or why? Let’s learn more in this message.
No one wants to deal with problems, but you can’t avoid them. You might be waiting for God to step in and fix things, but what if He doesn’t? Does that mean He doesn’t care? Let’s talk about it.
You have your plan, but God has a different one. How do you obey God when His plans aren’t what you expected or even wanted? Let’s learn more in this message.
Ever feel like there’s a giant magnifying glass on your flaws? Constant comparison can leave you feeling less than. So, how do you deal with the pressure of perfectionism? Let’s talk about it.