Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

One in Essence, Three in Person

13 Apr 2024

Are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit really three distinct persons? Today, R.C. Sproul appeals to the language used by the ancient church to carefully explain the biblical doctrine of the Trinity. Get Three Resources from R.C. Sproul for Your Gift of...

I Am with You Always

12 Apr 2024

How is Christ with us to the end of the age, as He promises in the Great Commission? Today, Burk Parsons speaks on the Lord's enduring desire to dwell with His people and to use us in fulfilling His mission through the church. Get 'The Great...

Teaching Them to Observe All I Have Commanded

11 Apr 2024

Teaching is an essential part of the Great Commission. But what are Christians called to teach? Today, Burk Parsons considers the church’s responsibility to make disciples who observe all that Christ has commanded. Get 'The Great Commission' DVD...

Why Do Christians Die?

10 Apr 2024

Since death is the penalty for sin, and Jesus died to pay that penalty for His people, then why do Christians still die? Today, Guy Waters reminds us what we must keep in mind when we ask questions like this one. Get 'Facing the Last Enemy: Death and...

What Happens after Death?

9 Apr 2024

What happens when we die? Many wrong and dangerous answers have been posed to this question, but Scripture does not leave us in the dark. Today, Guy Waters brings the Bible's correction to four false ideas about the afterlife. Get 'Facing the Last...

What Is Death? Five Foundational Principles

8 Apr 2024

Death is a subject that the world avoids. But Christians need not live in fear. God has given answers in His Word to our questions about death. Today, Guy Waters opens the Bible to answer our first question: What is death? Get 'Facing the Last Enemy:...

Strengthened in the Inner Self

7 Apr 2024

Even when our bodies grow weak, God is powerfully at work in us to strengthen His people spiritually. Preaching from the book of Ephesians, today R.C. Sproul addresses our reliance on the Holy Spirit for the empowerment and vitality of our souls. Get...

Contradiction vs. Mystery

6 Apr 2024

While the doctrine of the Trinity can be a difficult subject, it is both biblical and logical. Today, R.C. Sproul distinguishes between mystery and contradiction when we think about the nature of God. Get Three Resources from R.C. Sproul for Your Gif...

Perseverance of the Saints

5 Apr 2024

Can Christians lose their salvation? How should we think about our loved ones who used to profess faith in Christ but no longer believe? Today, R.C. Sproul examines the biblical teaching of the perseverance of the saints. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching.....


4 Apr 2024

God's covenantal dealings with His creatures form the framework of redemptive history, and understanding the covenants is key to interpreting the Bible. Today, R.C. Sproul outlines the distinctive characteristics of these covenants. Get R.C. Sproul's...

Scripture Alone

3 Apr 2024

The Bible contains God's message of salvation, and the Protestant Reformers did everything they could to ensure this message was heard. Today, R.C. Sproul considers the authority of sacred Scripture. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'What Is Reforme...

Catholic, Evangelical, and Reformed

2 Apr 2024

Before we consider what is distinct about Reformed theology, we must remember that the theology of the Reformation embraces truths universally confessed by Christians through the ages. Today, R.C. Sproul outlines these foundational truths. Get R.C......

Theology Is Life

1 Apr 2024

We live in a day when people say theology doesn't matter. But if we love God, we will want to know all we can about Him. Today, R.C. Sproul explains why every Christian should study theology. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'What Is Reformed...

The Resurrection

31 Mar 2024

Mary Magdalene was devastated to discover Jesus' body was missing from the tomb. But her grief vanished when the risen Lord called her name. Preaching from the gospel of John, R.C. Sproul calls us to share in the joy and proclamation of Christ's...

Securing Our Faith

30 Mar 2024

By His death, Jesus did not merely make the salvation of His people possible--He made it certain. Today, R.C. Sproul explains how the doctrine of limited atonement strengthens Christians in the security of our redemption. Get Two Resources from R.C.....