Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Our Calling and Security

26 Aug 2024

No one has the power to pry open the sealed grip with which God holds His children secure. Today, Steven Lawson turns to the gospel of John, explaining how the Lord preserves the faith of all true Christians so they never fall away. Get Steven...

Implications of the New Birth

25 Aug 2024

Once we are born again by the Holy Spirit, our lives cannot help but change direction. From his expositional series in 1 Peter, today R.C. Sproul shows that growing in holiness is a necessary result of our new life in Christ, and this growth is...


24 Aug 2024

What should be the posture of our hearts and minds when we pray to the Lord? Today, R.C. Sproul teaches that prayer ought to begin on a note of adoration for God. Get 'Prayer' by R.C. Sproul for Your Gift of Any Amount: Meet Today's Teacher: R.C....

Two Ways of Knowing

23 Aug 2024

We've all heard the phrase "Seeing is believing." But there are other ways of discovering the truth than what we experience with our senses. Today, R.C. Sproul provides a balanced approach in obtaining knowledge and certainty. Get 'Think Li...

The Mind and the Senses

22 Aug 2024

Can we trust our physical senses--what we see, hear, and touch? Today, R.C. Sproul explores the reliability and limits of our sense perception in our search for the truth. Save 35% with the early-bird rate when you register today for Ligonier's 2025....

How Do You Know?

21 Aug 2024

How do you know whether your beliefs are true? Is it even possible to know anything with certainly? Today, R.C. Sproul examines the foundation of our knowledge about God and all things. Get 'Think Like a Christian' and 'The Consequences of Ideas' by....

Mind and Body

20 Aug 2024

The human brain is one of creation’s mysteries. Today, R.C. Sproul considers the relationship between our internal thoughts and our physical actions, explaining that a transformed mind leads to a transformed life. Get 'Think Like a Christian' and...

What Is the Mind?

19 Aug 2024

Our minds are always thinking. But what is the mind? And what influences the way we think? Today, R.C. Sproul underscores the importance for Christians to think critically and biblically. Get 'Think Like a Christian' and 'The Consequences of Ideas' b...

The Enduring Word

18 Aug 2024

How can we grow spiritually? Is there a secret to sanctification? From his sermon series in the book of 1 Peter, today R.C. Sproul reminds us that the Holy Spirit helps Christians grow today just as He always has--as we fill our thoughts with God's.....

How to Pray

17 Aug 2024

Before you pray, there are a few things you need to remember. Today, R.C. Sproul helps us understand several simple yet critical elements of God-honoring prayer. Get 'Prayer' by R.C. Sproul for Your Gift of Any Amount: Meet Today's Teacher: R.C....

Questions & Answers: Standing for the Truth

16 Aug 2024

What false teachings threaten the church today? How can Christians speak the truth without compromising compassion? Today, the Ligonier Teaching Fellows address biblical and theological questions from guests attending the 2024 Ligonier National...

The Glorious End of Life in Christ

15 Aug 2024

Out of the ruins of the old creation marred by Adam's sin, Jesus will bring the new creation in righteousness and peace. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the glorious destiny that awaits us in the presence of Christ. Get 'Sojourners and Exiles' on....

Truth in a Truth-Distorting Culture

14 Aug 2024

Truth is attacked, distorted, and even suppressed in our world. Yet Christians not only know the truth--we know the One who is the truth. Today, W. Robert Godfrey addresses our responsibility to bear witness to the truth of Christ. Get This 6-Part...

New Life through Our Union with Christ

13 Aug 2024

We must take up arms against the idea that our identity is ultimately found anywhere other than in Christ. Today, Michael Reeves explains that our union with Christ is central to understanding our salvation and our lives as Christians. Get Two...

Tapping into Our Source of Life through Prayer

12 Aug 2024

The instruction to "pray without ceasing" is not given to burden us--but to liberate us from our burdens. Today, Burk Parsons encourages Christians to remember the blessing of prayer and to draw near to our loving Father. Get 'A Little Book...