Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Christ Our Mediator

28 Feb 2024

Standing between God's beloved children and the judgment we deserve is the Lord Jesus Christ, our glorious Mediator. Today, Stephen Nichols focuses on the saving work of Christ as our Prophet, Priest, and King. Get 'We Believe: Creeds, Catechisms, an...

God, the Father Almighty

27 Feb 2024

Why do several historic Christian creeds begin by expressing faith in "God, the Father Almighty"? Today, Michael Reeves explains that the fatherhood of God is foundational to understanding His character and our identity as His children in C...

I Believe: Doctrine and Life

26 Feb 2024

Rather than opposing Scripture, the historic creeds and confessions of faith can help Christians stand unwaveringly on the Word of God. Today, Burk Parsons explains the necessity of sound doctrine for faithful Christian living. Get 'We Believe:...

Peter’s Denial

25 Feb 2024

Peter claimed to be Jesus' most devoted disciple. How could he deny his Lord three times? Preaching from the gospel of John, today R.C. Sproul considers what this somber moment can teach us about our own hearts and the source of our hope when we fail...


24 Feb 2024

Rather than hiding from the meaningless void created by atheism, Friedrich Nietzsche sought to embrace the haunting emptiness that comes with denying God's existence. Today, R.C. Sproul examines the father of modern nihilism. Get R.C. Sproul's 'The.....

The Royal Family

23 Feb 2024

Christians must never forget that we are royalty, adopted by grace into the family of the King. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how this identity informs our calling to reflect God's majesty and glory in the world. Get 'Sojourners and Exiles' for.....

A Love the World Wants

22 Feb 2024

Having been born again, Christians belong to God's family and receive new brothers and sisters in the Lord. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes how brotherly love in the church is vital for bearing witness to Christ in the world. Get 'Sojourners and.....

Do We Belong Here?

21 Feb 2024

The world is quick to tell Christians that this is not our home. The gospel reminds us why this is such wonderful news. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows how our heavenly citizenship shapes our identity, our hope, and our way of life. Get 'Sojourners an...

Glory in Our Grief

20 Feb 2024

In a letter to Christians suffering for their faith, the Apostle Peter wrote to remind them of the glory of the gospel. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how the gospel sustains and strengthens believers in times of adversity. Get 'Sojourners and...

A Tract for Our Times

19 Feb 2024

Many Christians feel like outsiders in an increasingly hostile society. Remarkably, the Apostle Peter wrote a letter to believers in a similar situation. In today's message from his new teaching series, Sinclair Ferguson introduces the hope-filled...

The Arrest of Jesus

18 Feb 2024

Jesus could have called on the angels to deliver Him from betrayal and arrest. Instead, He submitted Himself to suffering for our sake. In today's sermon from the gospel of John, R.C. Sproul teaches on the necessity of Christ's active and passive...


17 Feb 2024

Soren Kierkegaard didn't mince words when he criticized the lack of passion he observed in the church of his day. Today, R.C. Sproul addresses the writings of the father of existentialism. Get R.C. Sproul's 'The Consequences of Ideas' 35-Part DVD...

Agape Love

16 Feb 2024

The Greek word "agape" is the supreme concept of love in the Bible, a love that has its foundation in the character of God Himself. Today, R.C. Sproul expresses how Christians are to manifest this love in the world. Get R.C. Sproul's Teachi...

God’s Electing Love

15 Feb 2024

Does God love everyone in the same way? Today, R.C. Sproul teaches on the doctrine of predestination, showing that our election is bound up with the special love that the Lord has for His chosen people. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Loved by God...

The Lovingkindness of God

14 Feb 2024

By covenant oath, God has committed His love to those whom He has redeemed in Christ. Today, R.C. Sproul describes the steadfast nature of the Lord's love for His covenant people. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Loved by God' for Your Gift of Any....