Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Bringing the Truth of Christ to the Nations

15 Dec 2023

The Lord is using your prayers and generosity to bring the truth of His Word to millions worldwide. Today, Nathan W. Bingham is joined by Chris Larson and other ministry leaders to share what your support of Ligonier Ministries has accomplished in...

The Sovereignty of God

14 Dec 2023

A biblical understanding of God's sovereignty changes the way we view the events of the world and the circumstances of our own lives. Today, Steven Lawson helps us understand God's sovereign power and authority. Get these Resources from Steven Lawson...

The Spirituality of God

13 Dec 2023

There is no place that God does not permeate with the fullness of His being. No matter where we are, He is there with us. Today, Steven Lawson explains that God is a spiritual Being--immaterial, invisible, and infinite. Get these Resources from Steve...

The Aseity of God

12 Dec 2023

Among God's attributes, one of the most difficult for finite human beings to understand is His aseity. Today, Steven Lawson considers the glory of God's self-existence and self-sufficiency. Get these Resources from Steven Lawson for Your Gift of Any....

Introduction to the Attributes of God

11 Dec 2023

How would you describe God? Today, Steven Lawson explains that our understanding of God determines the way we think, live, and worship. Get these Resources from Steven Lawson for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don't forget to make your home for daily...

The Blind Man and Peter’s Confession

10 Dec 2023

Many people saw Jesus firsthand without ever recognizing Him as the promised Messiah. From his sermon series in the gospel of Mark, today R.C. Sproul observes what it takes to see Christ for who He truly is. Get R.C. Sproul's Expositional Commentary....

God in Space and Time

9 Dec 2023

Christianity is not a fable disconnected from real history. It concerns the incarnation of God's Son in space and time to redeem His people. Today, R.C. Sproul explains what makes the Christian faith different from manmade myths. Get R.C. Sproul's...

The Priest with Dirty Clothes

8 Dec 2023

In his children's book The Priest with Dirty Clothes, R.C. Sproul reminds people of all ages that we can stand before God only if we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Gather the family and listen today as Dr. Sproul reads this story. Get...

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

7 Dec 2023

The world's religions are not all equally valid. No one comes to the Father except through the Son. Today, R.C. Sproul explores one of Jesus' most striking claims to His deity. Get the 'Bible Study Basics' DVD Collection with R.C. Sproul for Your Gif...

The Light of the World

6 Dec 2023

Everything changes when God opens our eyes to the radiance of Christ. Today, R.C. Sproul teaches that Jesus came into the world to redeem people lost in the darkness of sin. Get the 'Bible Study Basics' DVD Collection with R.C. Sproul for Your Gift o...

Principle vs. Custom

5 Dec 2023

The Bible describes many customs that seem strange in our culture today. What should we do with these passages? Today, R.C. Sproul helps us recognize the difference between temporal customs and universal principles in Scripture. Get the 'Bible Study....

Why Study the Bible?

4 Dec 2023

God requires all of His people, not only ministers and scholars, to study His Word diligently. Today, R.C. Sproul explains why every Christian should seek regularly to read the Bible. Get the 'Bible Study Basics' DVD Collection with R.C. Sproul for.....

Love Lines and Man Pleasing

3 Dec 2023

Proclaiming the gospel invites ridicule from those who seek to drown out the truth about sin. But we dare not compromise the message that the world needs most. From his expositional series in the book of Galatians, today R.C. Sproul exhorts us to see...

How Can This Be?

2 Dec 2023

When an angel announced to Mary that she would bear a Son, the virgin responded in astonishment, "How can this be?" (Luke 1:34). Today, R.C. Sproul marvels at the power of God in bringing His Son into the world for our salvation. Get R.C. S...

The Universality of Sin

1 Dec 2023

No one is excluded from the judgment that sin deserves, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). Today, W. Robert Godfrey opens the book of Romans to depict the universal need of saving grace in Christ. Get W. R...