Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul


15 Nov 2023

True forgiveness means the offense committed against us is gone. It is taken away; we have no reason to bring it up again. Today, R.C. Sproul surveys some of the challenges we face when extending forgiveness. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Dealin...

How to Deal with Guilt

14 Nov 2023

How can we resolve the guilt that haunts us? Today, R.C. Sproul explains the important distinction between objective guilt and subjective guilty feelings. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Dealing with Difficult Problems' for Your Gift of Any Amount...

Understanding Suffering

13 Nov 2023

There is a purpose for our pain. Today, R.C. Sproul considers how Christians should understand suffering and how to respond to it faithfully. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Dealing with Difficult Problems' for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don't...

The Fields Ready to Harvest

12 Nov 2023

Christians can serve the kingdom of God confidently, trusting that the Lord has power to bring in the harvest. Preaching from Matthew 9, today R.C. Sproul explains how the sovereignty of God encourages the whole church to fulfill the Great Commission...

The Final Judgment

11 Nov 2023

When we remember that we will stand before the judgment of God, it is sobering to consider all that we have thought, said, and done in our lives. Today, R.C. Sproul reveals why Christians do not need to fear the final judgment. Get the 'Foundations:....

Discovering God’s Will

10 Nov 2023

Have you ever wondered what the will of God is for your life? Today, Sinclair Ferguson guides us in discerning God's revealed will and provides us with helpful questions to consider as we make decisions. Get 'The Basics of the Christian Life'...


9 Nov 2023

Is doctrine irrelevant to the Christian life? Many people thought so in J. Gresham Machen's day, just as many do now. Today, Stephen Nichols shows how Machen underscored the necessity of knowing the true message of Christianity. Get the 100th...

Machen’s Book

8 Nov 2023

In the 1920s, Christians were tempted to compromise their faith in ways that seem strikingly familiar to us. Today, Stephen Nichols identifies the threat to the church that led J. Gresham Machen to write Christianity and Liberalism. Get the 100th...

Machen and Apologetics

7 Nov 2023

Apologetics is the defense of the Christian faith, and it was crucially important to J. Gresham Machen. Today, Stephen Nichols explores Machen's approach to exposing unbiblical teaching and defending the truth of the gospel. Get the 100th Anniversary...

Machen and the Church

6 Nov 2023

Because he cared for the health of the church, J. Gresham Machen entered controversies over the essential truths of the Christian faith. Today, Stephen Nichols explains how Machen promoted conviction and clarity in the church. Get the 100th...


5 Nov 2023

If you were asked right now why you believe in Christ, would you be ready to give an answer? From his sermon series in 1 Peter, today R.C. Sproul provides instruction on the discipline of apologetics, explaining how to give a reasonable defense of th...

The Return of Christ

4 Nov 2023

Jesus has promised He will return to the world one day in glory. But when will this occur? Today, R.C. Sproul presents three details that we can know for certain about the second coming of Christ. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of Systematic...

Psalm 77: Questions in Grief

3 Nov 2023

While the Psalms teach us how to praise the Lord, they also show us how to bring our grief before God. Today, W. Robert Godfrey discusses how Psalm 77 encourages us to pray and to remember God's faithfulness. Get 'Learning to Love the Psalms' by W......

Psalm 52: The Psalms and History

2 Nov 2023

Many psalms are tied to specific historical events, and knowing this history is important for interpreting these songs rightly. Today, W. Robert Godfrey examines Psalm 52 to give us a thought-provoking look into the life of David. Get 'Learning to...

Psalms 49 and 50: All the World and All the People

1 Nov 2023

The wisdom of the world urges us to live for today, since death comes tomorrow. But God's wisdom reveals a future for His ransomed people. Today, W. Robert Godfrey sees how Psalms 49 and 50 show us true wisdom and acceptable worship. Get 'Learning to...