Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Living before God Our Father

11 Aug 2024

Christians are called to live differently from the rest of the world. That requires a different way of thinking. From his sermon series in the book of 1 Peter, today R.C. Sproul reveals that much of the fight for personal holiness takes place on the....

How Does Truth Command Me?

10 Aug 2024

If you're not accountable for your life, then ultimately your life doesn't count. Today, R.C. Sproul reveals that a meaningful worldview must include the discipline of ethics, and our ethics cannot be divorced from the holy character of God. Receive....


9 Aug 2024

Many people now believe that our feelings determine what is true and what is good. But this idea is actually quite old--and dead wrong. Today, R.C. Sproul shows where hedonism leads so many astray in how they view pleasure and pain. Get R.C. Sproul's...

Pluralism and Relativism

8 Aug 2024

"Your truth" and "my truth" are phrases born out of a society that no longer believes in truth. Today, R.C. Sproul explains the devastating consequences that the ideas of pluralism and relativism have had on our world. Get R.C. Sp...


7 Aug 2024

As a worldview, pragmatism focuses on what gets quick results rather than what is true, right, and good. Today, R.C. Sproul addresses this American-born philosophy that comes into direct conflict with the Christian faith. Get R.C. Sproul's Book...


6 Aug 2024

It's noble to be concerned for the welfare of humanity. But it's destructive to become human-centered rather than God-centered in our thinking. Today, R.C. Sproul explains the dangers of humanism, a worldview permeating our society. Get R.C. Sproul's...


5 Aug 2024

If we want to be an effective witness for Christ, it's important that we understand the different worldviews and belief systems that our neighbors have. Today, R.C. Sproul helps us identify the secular values dominating our society. Get R.C. Sproul's...

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Persecuted

4 Aug 2024

Have you ever been slandered for your devotion to Jesus? Christians are promised opposition from the world--together with blessing from God. From his expositional series in the gospel of Matthew, today R.C. Sproul examines Christ's blessing for those...

How Does Truth Relate to Me?

3 Aug 2024

If we don't have God at the center of our thinking, the very foundation for human dignity collapses. Today, R.C. Sproul teaches that anthropology, the study of mankind, must be rooted in theology, the study of God. Receive Two of R.C. Sproul's...

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

2 Aug 2024

How can you tell whether you're interpreting the Bible correctly? Today, Sinclair Ferguson illustrates common ways of mishandling Scripture and gives us principles for studying God's Word to reach its intended meaning. Get the Hardcover 'Reformation....

Means of Grace: The Lord’s Supper

1 Aug 2024

The Lord's Supper is the rehearsal dinner that anticipates the great wedding feast of the Lamb and His Bride, the church. Today, Sinclair Ferguson helps us gain deeper insight into the Supper's significance. Get 'The Basics of the Christian Life' DVD...

Means of Grace: Baptism

31 Jul 2024

Baptism is a naming ceremony, and the whole of the Christian life is to be lived in the context of this new name that has been given to us. Today, Sinclair Ferguson conveys the biblical significance of baptism. Get 'The Basics of the Christian Life'....

Means of Grace: Prayer

30 Jul 2024

Do you ever find it difficult to pray? You're not alone--and you're not without help. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies the attitude and approach that Jesus has laid out for His people in prayer. Get 'The Basics of the Christian Life' DVD and...

Means of Grace: God's Word

29 Jul 2024

While many books can inform us, only God's Book has the power to transform us. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how God brings His people to maturity through His written Word. Get 'The Basics of the Christian Life' DVD and Digital Study Guide with.....

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

28 Jul 2024

Of all the promises Jesus makes in the Sermon on the Mount, His greatest promise is extended to the pure in heart: "they shall see God" (Matt. 5:8). From his sermon series in the gospel of Matthew, today R.C. Sproul contemplates this ultima...