Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

The Antidote to Anxiety

12 Jul 2024

Christians are not immune from worry. Yet our sovereign, gracious God has provided the ultimate remedy for our fears. Burk Parsons delivers a devotional message today, explaining what we should do with our anxiety. Get Your Copy of John Calvin's 'A.....

A Better Covenant and Perfect Sacrifice

11 Jul 2024

In what way is the new covenant superior to all the other covenants God established in history? Today, R.C. Sproul turns our attention to the perfect sacrifice accomplished by Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest. Get these 3 Resources from R.C. Sprou...

The New Covenant

10 Jul 2024

Every covenant that God established with His people finds its fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Today, R.C. Sproul explains what made the new covenant so "new" and why it is so important in the history of redemption. Get t...

God’s Covenant Faithfulness

9 Jul 2024

The Lord cannot possibly fail to keep His promises. Our salvation rests securely in His covenant-keeping hands. Today, R.C. Sproul explains why Abraham had good reason to believe in God's trustworthiness--and why we do too. Get these 3 Resources from...

Abrahamic Covenant

8 Jul 2024

Our salvation depends entirely on God's grace. So it was with Abraham, who was called to trust that the Lord would fulfill His promise. Today, R.C. Sproul considers what the covenant with Abraham teaches us about God's faithfulness. Get these 3...

The Street Called Straight

7 Jul 2024

Why did Jesus choose Paul, a deadly persecutor of Christians, to be His instrument for spreading the gospel? From his expositional series in the book of Acts, today R.C. Sproul preaches on the power of the Lord in using unlikely individuals to fulfil...

Guilt and Forgiveness

6 Jul 2024

To all who trust in Him, Jesus brings freedom from guilt. So, why is it that many Christians still don't feel free? Today, R.C. Sproul provides counsel from God's Word and consolation from the gospel. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Pleasing God'....

The Spirit of the Lord

5 Jul 2024

The Holy Spirit who dwells in us is the same Spirit who ministered in Jesus' life. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how Christ's constant Companion and Friend is powerfully at work in the lives of Christ's people. Get the 'Who Is the Holy Spirit' DV...

A Sovereign Birth

4 Jul 2024

By describing regeneration as being "born again," Jesus makes clear that the initiative in salvation comes solely from God. Today, Steven Lawson asserts that no one can obtain spiritual life by his own power or will. Get 'The New Birth' DVD...

A Cleansing Birth

3 Jul 2024

When God regenerates us, He washes away our moral and spiritual filth to create something beautiful. Today, Steven Lawson contemplates the profound spiritual cleansing that people experience at the new birth. Get 'The New Birth' DVD and Digital Study...

A Comprehensive Birth

2 Jul 2024

God has done more than pardoned His people. We're no longer the men and women we used to be. Today, Steven Lawson discusses the full extent of the change that occurs in a person when he is born again. Get 'The New Birth' DVD and Digital Study Guide.....

An Instantaneous Birth

1 Jul 2024

Just as there is a point when God brings us into this world, there is a moment in time when He brings His people to spiritual life. Today, Steven Lawson considers the instantaneous nature of the new birth. Get 'The New Birth' DVD and Digital Study...

Paul’s Conversion

30 Jun 2024

As he traveled to Damascus to persecute Christians, Paul had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Continuing his sermon series in the book of Acts, today R.C. Sproul marvels at the power of God's grace to turn this vicious enemy of the church...

The Battle with the Devil

29 Jun 2024

Many people today believe that Satan is a myth, while some Christians have gone to the opposite extreme, attributing all kinds of experiences to the devil. Today, R.C. Sproul examines the Bible's teaching about Satan. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Serie...

The Fruit of Self-Control

28 Jun 2024

What good is it to win a debate but lose a friend? Today, R.C. Sproul considers the destructive influence of pride and illustrates our need for the Holy Spirit to help us develop self-control. Get 'Keeping in Step with the Spirit' and 'Our Great...