Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Why Didn’t Jesus Know?

4 May 2023

Jesus said that no man knows when He will return--including Himself. Since Jesus is God incarnate, how could He not know? Today, R.C. Sproul helps us answer this puzzling question. Get the 'Hard Sayings' Book and Digital Teaching Series for Your Gift...

When Towers Fall

3 May 2023

When people sought comfort and understanding after tragedy struck, Jesus gave them a difficult word instead. Today, R.C. Sproul examines what Christ's response teaches us about our own response to suffering in this world. Get the 'Hard Sayings' Book....

The Inner Struggle

2 May 2023

In Romans 7, the Apostle Paul describes a battle raging within him. Is this a picture of the Christian life, or do these verses show us Paul's life before his conversion? Today, R.C. Sproul speaks on our struggle with sin. Get the 'Hard Sayings' Book...

The Authority of Apostolic Teaching

1 May 2023

Is every part of the Bible inerrant? Should we take the teachings of Jesus more seriously than those of Paul? Today, R.C. Sproul explains that the writings of the Apostles bear the authority of the Lord who commissioned them. Get the 'Hard Sayings'.....

The Rich Young Ruler

30 Apr 2023

When a wealthy young man asked Jesus what he needed to do to enter God's kingdom, Christ gave a surprising response. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his series in the gospel of Luke with a sermon on the depth of our sin and our need for God's grace. Get...

The Offices of Christ

29 Apr 2023

In the Old Testament, there were prophets like Isaiah, priests like Aaron, and kings like David. But only Jesus Christ holds all three of these offices. Today, R.C. Sproul considers the ways that Christ serves as our perfect Mediator. Get the...

The Goal of the Christian Life

28 Apr 2023

What is the most important priority of the Christian life? Today, hear a never-before featured message from R.C. Sproul, originally released exclusively for Ligonier's Ministry Partners. Help Send Biblical Teaching around the World: Don't forget to....

Ultimate Choices

27 Apr 2023

Everyone is either on the narrow road that leads to life or the broad road ending in destruction. Where are you heading? Today, Sinclair Ferguson examines one of Jesus' most controversial teachings. Get the 'Sermon on the Mount' Book and Digital...

Condemnation and Discernment

26 Apr 2023

"Judge not, that you be not judged" may be one of Jesus' most misunderstood commands. Today, Sinclair Ferguson parses out how we ought to apply this teaching of our Lord. Get the 'Sermon on the Mount' Book and Digital Series with Sinclair F...

The Lord’s Prayer

25 Apr 2023

The Lord's Prayer is both our pattern for prayer and our pattern for life. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how Christ's model prayer helps us live faithfully in the presence of God. Get the 'Sermon on the Mount' Book and Digital Series with Sinclai...

Knowing God as Father

24 Apr 2023

Why do we pray in Jesus' name? Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers our identity in Christ and what it means for us to approach our heavenly Father in prayer. Get the 'Sermon on the Mount' Book and Digital Series with Sinclair Ferguson for Your Gift of...

Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me

23 Apr 2023

God alone is worthy of our unconditional trust. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of the gospel of Luke, encouraging us to draw near to our heavenly Father in childlike faith and dependence. Get R.C. Sproul's Expositional Commentary on the....

The States of Christ

22 Apr 2023

Jesus came in humility to become one with His people, taking their weaknesses and their debts upon Himself. Today, R.C. Sproul describes the significance of the states of Christ in His redemptive work--His humiliation and exaltation. Get the...

How to Be a Good Steward

21 Apr 2023

Stewardship is our responsibility to manage our lives and resources as things that belong ultimately to God. Today, R.C. Sproul helps us think biblically about managing that which the Lord has entrusted to us. Get R.C. Sproul's Book and Teaching...

How to Serve

20 Apr 2023

No matter our career or vocation, all Christians are called to be servants. Today, R.C. Sproul explains the significant role that faithful service and loving good works play in the Christian life. Get R.C. Sproul's Book and Teaching Series 'Five...