Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

A Fool’s Errand? Knowing the Resurrection Is True

4 Apr 2023

Many people who embrace a naturalistic worldview claim that the resurrection of Christ is merely a tall tale. Today, Gabe Fluhrer explains that while the resurrection stands up to its critics, their skeptical worldview crumbles under scrutiny. Get th...

Finding Faith: Why the Resurrection of Christ Matters

3 Apr 2023

Can people in the 21st century still believe in the resurrection of Jesus? Today, Gabe Fluhrer begins to show that the resurrection is not only a verified historical fact, but it also answers some of our most important questions. Get the 'Alive' DVD....

The Unjust Judge

2 Apr 2023

If even corrupt judges sometimes administer justice for those who plead for it, how much more will the Judge of all creation vindicate His people who cry out to Him? Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of Luke's gospel to examine a parable...

The Christ of the Bible

1 Apr 2023

Christology--the doctrine of the person and work of Jesus Christ--is foundational to the Christian faith. Today, R.C. Sproul surveys the Bible's revelation of the majesty of Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of...

The Theology of the Puritans

31 Mar 2023

The reforming of the Reformation--that is what the Puritans were all about. Today, Michael Reeves conveys how these English Christians sought to bring the Word of God to bear on all of life. Get Michael Reeves' Teaching Series 'The English Reformatio...

Elizabeth and the Rise of the Puritans

30 Mar 2023

Under Elizabeth I, England once again became a Protestant nation. But some Christians were concerned that several unbiblical practices in the church still needed to be changed. Today, Michael Reeves introduces the Puritans. Get Michael Reeves'...

Edward VI and Mary I

29 Mar 2023

After the hopeful reign of King Edward VI, Mary I took the throne of England and violently returned the kingdom to Roman Catholicism. Today, Michael Reeves details why she would come to be known as "Bloody Mary." Get Michael Reeves' Teachin...

Henry VIII

28 Mar 2023

Two years after Tyndale cried, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes," Henry VIII decreed that English Bibles be placed in every church. Today, Michael Reeves recounts the story of this troubled king whom God used to further church reform....

Tyndale and the Early Reformers

27 Mar 2023

William Tyndale's English translation of the New Testament created a firestorm that threatened the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Today, Michael Reeves depicts the people and events that set the stage for the Reformation in England. Get...

The Kingdom Come

26 Mar 2023

When will Jesus come with the glory of His kingdom? Today, R.C. Sproul continues his expositional series in the gospel of Luke and examines the warnings that Christ has given for His people to be watchful. Get R.C. Sproul's Expositional Commentary on...

The Covenants

25 Mar 2023

Throughout history, God has related to His people according to covenants. But what is a covenant? Today, R.C. Sproul explains this important subject and outlines the three major covenants that form the framework of the entire Bible. Get the...

God’s Dark Providence and Jeremiah

24 Mar 2023

During a dark period in Israel's history, the prophet Jeremiah uttered a prayer of distress that unsettles many readers of the Bible. Today, Derek Thomas explains the surprising comfort we can find in these somber passages of Scripture. Get Derek...

God’s Persistence with Jonah

23 Mar 2023

Try as he did, Jonah could not outrun the presence of God and the work to which the Lord called him. Today, Derek Thomas observes the merciful persistence of God to sanctify the stubborn hearts of His servants. Get Derek Thomas' Teaching Series...

God’s Sovereignty in Micaiah

22 Mar 2023

There is no place for chance in the purposes of God. He is in complete control over all seemingly random and chaotic events. Today, Derek Thomas illustrates this reality from the prophecy of Micaiah and a stray arrow that changed the course of...

God’s Grace to Samson

21 Mar 2023

Samson ran recklessly into temptation. Yet when his foolishness brought him low, God humbled Samson and granted him repentant faith. Today, Derek Thomas speaks on the redeeming grace of God toward unworthy souls. Get Derek Thomas' Teaching Series...