Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Do You Have Love?

13 Feb 2024

As the Holy Spirit works in our lives, He begins to uncomplicate us, filling us with love for others and forgetfulness of self. Today, Sinclair Ferguson articulates the simplicity and centrality of love in the Christian life. Read the transcript: A....

The Fruit of the Spirit

12 Feb 2024

The fruit of the Spirit cannot be artificially produced. These qualities must be developed in us by God's grace. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the Lord's purpose of growing His people in a wonderfully balanced way to make us increasingly like...

Cleansed and Renewed

9 Feb 2024

In our weekly rhythm of worship, we are confronted with our sin and cleansed by our Savior. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the effect that worship should have on us, drawing from the experience of Isaiah in the temple of God. Read the transcript:...

Principles for Worship

8 Feb 2024

How should we worship the Lord whenever we gather with His people? Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies key principles in Scripture that guide and govern our worship to the glory of God. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier...

Bowed Down in the Presence of God

7 Feb 2024

What have been your most memorable experiences of worship? Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the delight that binds all these experiences together: a realization of being brought into the awesome presence of God. Read the transcript: A...

The Quality of Our Worship

6 Feb 2024

The quality of our worship isn't so much a matter of our performance as it is a matter of displaying the glory of God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson invites us to recalibrate our thinking about what matters most in worship. Read the transcript: A...

Let Us Worship God

5 Feb 2024

Too often, a fundamental question is never asked in the church: How does God want to be worshiped? Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on true worship as the purpose of the Reformation and the purpose of our lives. Read the transcript: A...

Training in Righteousness

2 Feb 2024

As our heavenly Father brings us up in the family likeness through the instruction of His Word, He gives wisdom to His children that this world cannot explain. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explores what it means for Scripture to train us in righteousness...

Correction: A Healing Word

1 Feb 2024

God's Word works in our lives to heal what has become sick, to correct what has gone wrong, and to create beauty out of that which was broken. Today, Sinclair Ferguson clarifies an often-misunderstood characteristic of the Bible. Read the transcript:...

Teaching and Reproof

31 Jan 2024

The Bible exposes our sin in order to bring us to repentance, that we may enjoy God's forgiveness and new life in Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson outlines the work of Scripture in teaching and reproving us. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

God’s Word at Work in Us

30 Jan 2024

The Bible does more than tell us what to do. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God's Word is at work in us, shaping us day by day into the likeness of Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains the importance of viewing the Bible rightly. Read the...

Scripture: The Mouth of God

29 Jan 2024

When we go to read the Bible, we go to hear God speak. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the amazing privilege we have in possessing the authoritative, reliable Word that our heavenly Father has given to us. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

I Will Remember Their Sins No More

26 Jan 2024

The one thing that God promises to forget is the sin of His people, for He has blotted it out with the blood of His Son. Today, Sinclair Ferguson marvels at the freedom from guilt that comes with complete forgiveness. Read the transcript: A...

Remembering the Covenant

25 Jan 2024

Every time we come to the Lord's Table, Jesus reminds us of His covenant love and the cost of our redemption. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers how the Lord helps His forgetful people remember the covenant of grace. Read the transcript: A...

Storing Up Scripture in Our Hearts

24 Jan 2024

It may be impossible to overemphasize the importance of storing up Scripture in our hearts. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the value of equipping ourselves to face future challenges by memorizing God's Word in the present. Read the transcript: A...