Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Peter, Who Denied Him

26 Mar 2024

On the same night, Judas betrayed Jesus and Peter denied Him. Why did one die in despair while the other was saved? Today, Sinclair Ferguson examines the reason behind Peter's restoration and our own: the intercession of Christ. Read the transcript:...

Judas, Who Betrayed Him

25 Mar 2024

What led Judas to betray the Lord for thirty pieces of silver? Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to reflect on the week leading up to Jesus' crucifixion by considering the tragic tale of Judas' treachery. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreac...

Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly

22 Mar 2024

When we sing with the church, we are ministering to one another while we offer our praise to God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson distills three lessons from one of the most important verses in the New Testament about singing. Read the transcript: A...

Christians Sing Differently

21 Mar 2024

Christians certainly aren't the only people who sing, but we do sing in a truly unique way. Today, Sinclair Ferguson discusses the God-centered direction of our songs, no matter what it is we're singing about. Read the transcript: A donor-supported....

Singing with the Son of God

20 Mar 2024

If anything should make Christians want to sing, it's knowing that Jesus Himself is in our midst, leading us in praise. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the kind of singing in which our heavenly Father delights. Read the transcript: A...

Do You Have a Hymnbook?

19 Mar 2024

When we sing the great Christian hymns, we're reminded that we worship God with the vast company of believers through the centuries. Today, Sinclair Ferguson makes the case for having hymnals in our homes and in our churches. Read the transcript: A....

Christians Love to Sing

18 Mar 2024

As we come to understand what God has done to redeem us, we're instilled with the desire to sing our Savior's praise. Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to reflect on the significance of singing in the Christian life. Read the transcript: A...

From Covetous to Christlike

15 Mar 2024

The law against coveting is often ignored, yet it was this command that pierced the heart of Saul and revealed his need for Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the effects of neglecting God's law and its relationship to our Lord Jesus. Read th...

Is It Ever Right to Lie?

14 Mar 2024

In the Bible, sometimes good things result from a lie being told. Does that give us justification to lie in certain situations? Today, Sinclair Ferguson probes questions about honesty, deception, and discretion. Read the transcript: A donor-supporte...

Theft and Generosity

13 Mar 2024

Saying no to stealing from others also means saying yes to giving to others. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explores the positive side to negative commandments such as "You shall not steal" (Ex. 20:15). Read the transcript: A donor-supported out...

The Beginning of Lust

12 Mar 2024

The command against adultery goes much deeper than the physical act. Today, Sinclair Ferguson warns of the subtle ways impurity can take hold of our hearts and the lasting repercussions it may have. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of...

Murdering in Our Hearts

11 Mar 2024

We must not forget that we can kill with a word as well as with a weapon. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies key principles for understanding God's law so we may know more fully how He would have us live in this world. Read the transcript: A...

Honor Your Father and Mother

8 Mar 2024

There's a reason why our relationship with our parents is highlighted in the Ten Commandments right after our relationship with God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson discusses our loving obligation to honor our father and mother. Read the transcript: A...

A Pattern for Our Days

7 Mar 2024

It's a mistake to think that the Sabbath commandment is only about one day in the week. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the pattern that God has given to help us live a healthy, balanced life all week long. Read the transcript: A donor-supported....

Taking God’s Name in Vain

6 Mar 2024

The third commandment is about so much more than using God's name as a curse word. Today, Sinclair Ferguson addresses our lifelong responsibility to honor the God who has placed His name and blessing on us in baptism. Read the transcript: A...