Nomad Podcast

Tony and Felicity Dale - Small is the New Big (N46)

10 Apr 2012

A couple of decades ago Tony and Felicity Dale felt called to move from the UK to the US to plant a church. As you can imagine, it's been quite a journey (in all senses of the word!) and they've learnt stacks about what it means to be church. One of....

Nicky Gumbel - Alpha and the Future of Evangelism (N45)

11 Mar 2012

It's hard to measure the impact Nicky Gumbel has had on the worldwide church. He pioneered the Alpha Course as an evangelistic introduction to the Christian life. It is estimated that over 15 million people have now attended a course. So we thought i...

Phil Togwell - Prayer Spaces in Schools (N44)

24 Feb 2012

Phil Togwell is part of the 24/7 Prayer, an internatinal, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice. Over the last few years Phil's been involved in setting up spaces in schools for children to honestly and naturally begin to...

Pete Ward - Liquid Church (N43)

10 Feb 2012

Pete Ward is senior lecturer in youth ministry and theological education at King's College, London. About 10 years ago now Pete wrote Liquid Church, and it turned out to be rather influential. Pete's theories have stuck around and shaped the...

Simon Hall - The Story of 'Revive' (N42)

24 Jan 2012

Tim and Dave were in Leeds recently and so thought they'd catch up with Simon Hall of the Revive community. So tune in to hear the story of Simon's journey into new forms of mission and Christian community (it's a rich tapestry!), and the various...

Ruth Holgate - The Spirituality of Silence (N41)

10 Jan 2012

Tim's leaving Dave at home for this episode and heading north with Hannah to Loyola Hall for a 5-day silent retreat. We know what you're thinking, a 5-day silent retreat might not make the most engaging podcast! But Tim will be recording a daily...

Chris Sunderland - Soil, Soul and Society (N40)

10 Dec 2011

Chris Sunderland is involved in all manner of Jesus-inspired community stuff, but we're particularly interested in his Earth Abbey project. Earth Abbey is a movement of people helping each other live more in tune with the earth. So...

Mark Powley - Consumer Detox (N39)

10 Nov 2011

Mark Powley is founder of Breathe, a Christian network that encourages and resources simpler living. Mark is all about simple living and resisting the lure of our consumer culture (or as Breathe puts it, 'less stuff, more life'), so we talk to...

Tom Wright - Heaven is Not the End of the World (N38)

8 Oct 2011

New Testament scholar extraordinaire, Tom Wright (how does he write so many books?!) is back on the show. This time Tom's helping us get our heads round the connection between academics and the local church and what exactly our Christian hope is (we....

Dave Ward - Nomad 2.0 (N37)

10 Sep 2011

Nomad is back (I know, you didn't even notice we'd gone)! The old team has stood down, but new boy Dave Ward (along with founding Nomad Podcaster, Tim Nash) has bravely stepped into the fray! This episode is an introduction to Dave and his journey...

Nomad's Final Reflections... (N36)

10 Jul 2011

After two and a half years, the stresses and strains of massive global success (if only!) have taken their toll and the original Nomad team have decided to call it a day. So tune in for some final reflections on their online and offline journey. But....

Pete Greig - 24/7 Prayer, Mission and New Forms of Church (N35)

10 Jun 2011

Pete Greig is one of the founders of the hugely influential 24/7 Prayer, an international, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice. He's also Directer of Prayer for Holy Trinity, Brompton (you know, the church where Alpha came...

Mike Pilavachi - The Story of Soul Survivor (N34)

10 Apr 2011

Mike Pilavachi is the co-founder and leader of the Soul Survivor charity based in Watford, London, he's also the pastor of the Soul Survivor Watford church, and leader of the hugely influential Soul Survivor festival. We chat with Mike about...

Steve Hollinghurst - Mission-Shaped Evangelism (N33)

20 Mar 2011

Steve Hollinghurst works for the Church Army's Research Unit as their 'Researcher in Evangelism to Post-Christian Culture' and has extensive experience in working with people involved in the new spiritualities. Steve chats to us about some of the...

Cathy Ross - The Invisibility of Women (N32)

10 Feb 2011

Cathy Ross is lecturer in contextual theology and pioneer leadership and is the General Secretary for the International Association for Mission Studies. So Cathy seemed like a pretty good person to talk to about how women have been overlooked in...