Nomad Podcast

Neil Cole - How to Grow Organic Churches (N31)

10 Jan 2011

Neil Cole is the founder and executive director of Church Multiplication Associates, which has helped start many hundreds of churches in thirty-five states of America and in over thirty other nations. We talk to Neil about why we need to multiply...

Scott Boren - Mission-Shaped Small Groups (N30)

10 Nov 2010

Scott Boren, among other things, has spent the last 20 years working as a small group consultant. Scott works with churches to help them develop effective community through small groups that are on a mission. If you want more from Nomad, check out ou...

Ruth Valerio - A Greener and Simpler Life (N29)

10 Oct 2010

Ruth Valerio manages A Rocha's Living Lightly project, which encourages us to live greener and simpler lives. Ruth talks to us about the importance of environmental concern in Christian living and mission, and offers some resources to help us get to....

Kester Brewin - Pirates and the Death of the Emerging Church (N28)

10 Sep 2010

Kester Brewin is one of the pioneers of the alternative worship scene in the UK and one of the founding members of the Vaux community. His book was hailed as one of the most important texts on the emerging church movement. We talk to Kester...

Ian Mobsby - How to Be Church in a Post-Secular Culture (N27)

10 Jul 2010

Ian Mobsby is an Anglican priest who is a leading voice in the UK emerging church and New Monasticism scene. He's also one of the founding members of the Moot community in London. We chat with Ian about what church and mission might look like in...

Nigel Pimlott - Youth Work in an Emerging Church (N26)

10 Jun 2010

Nigel Pimlott is author of Youth Work After Christendom, and is deputy CEO for Frontier Youth Trust. We chat to Nigel about youth work and how it relates to mission and the emerging church. After this, we'll discuss as a group how it applies to...

Sean Stillman - The Story of Zach's Place (N25)

24 May 2010

Sean Stillman has been working among biker communities and other 'fringe' groups, and is founder of the alternative church community "Zach's Place" in Swansea, South Wales. Sean chats about the emergence of this community, his experiences t...

Stuart Murray - How to Be Church in a Post-Christendom Culture (N24)

10 May 2010

Stuart Murray is chair of the Anabaptist Network, and is a trainer and consultant in mission and church planting. So we chat to him about what we can learn from the Anabaptists about how to go about church and mission in our post-Christendom...

Brian McLaren - A Journey Towards an Emerging Church (N23)

10 Apr 2010

Brian McLaren is pastor, author, speaker, activist and one of the leading figures in the emerging church movement. Brian tells us about some of the questions he's been wrestling with as he's journeyed towards new forms of Christian faith and...

Martin Smith - Missional Worship and Life After Delirious? (N22)

24 Mar 2010

You'll know Martin Smith from one of the Christian music scene's most successful bands 'delirious?' We talk to Martin about life after delirious? and whether there is a connection between worship and mission. If you want more from Nomad, check...

Jonny Baker - Why We Need Alternative Worship (N21)

10 Mar 2010

Jonny Baker is one of the UK's leading figures in the alternative worship and emerging church scene. We talk to Jonny about mission and new forms of worship, and then ponder how this might apply to us.  If you want more from Nomad, check out our...

Matt Rees - The Story of 'Home' (N20)

24 Feb 2010

We're carrying on our exploration of fresh expressions of church by having a chat with Matt Rees. Matt is an ordained priest in the Anglican church and leads a fresh expression of church in Oxford called Home. If you want more from Nomad,...

Rowan Williams - A Mixed Economy of Church (N19)

10 Feb 2010

We thought it was about time we headed down to Lambeth Palace to have a chat with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. Rowan said that if nothing else he wants his time as Archbishop to be remembered for his commitment to developing Fresh...

Laura Stewart - Life Inside 'The Crowded House' (N18)

24 Jan 2010

Join us as we chat to Laura Stewart, a member of one of 'The Crowded House' Gospel Communities. Following our chat with one of the network's leaders, Steve Timis, it's a chance to hear what being part of this network is really like. If you want more....

Steve Timmis - Gospel-Communities (N17)

10 Jan 2010

Steve Timmis is co-founder of The Crowded House network of churches, and co-director of the Porterbrook Network, an initiative that trains church planters. We chat with Steve about the theology and practice of their Gospel Communities.  If...