Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Art for Whose Sake?

16 Oct 2023

Whether we gather in a simple room or an ornate sanctuary, art plays a role in our worship. Today, R.C. Sproul exhorts Christians to pursue art in the life of the church that conveys the true, the good, and the beautiful. Get the Full 'Recovering the...

From Slaves of Sin to Slaves of God

15 Oct 2023

By God's grace, Christians are no longer slaves to sin. We've been set free to serve a new and better Master. Preaching from Romans 6, today R.C. Sproul explains what motivates the people of God to joyfully obey the Lord. Get Your Copy of R.C....

The Resurrection

14 Oct 2023

The soul of a Christian lives on in heaven after death until being united with the body at Christ's return. Today, R.C. Sproul teaches on the future hope of the resurrection and the nature of our glorified bodies. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of...

Finding the Glory

13 Oct 2023

Compared to the people around him, the prophet Isaiah was a righteous man. But when he saw the majesty of God, he realized how utterly sinful he was. Today, R.C. Sproul explains how God's holiness reveals our desperate need for a Savior. Get the 25th...

The Majesty of God

12 Oct 2023

If we want to see the glory of God, we don't have to look far. Today, R.C. Sproul affirms that all creation bears witness to the majesty of its Maker. Get the 25th Anniversary Edition of 'The Holiness of God' with the Digital Teaching Series for Your...

The Anthem of the Angels

11 Oct 2023

Day and night, heaven resounds with the anthem of the angels: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory" (Isa. 6:3). Today, R.C. Sproul prompts us to remind ourselves constantly of our holy God. Get the 25...

Blazing with Glory

10 Oct 2023

When Isaiah saw a vision of the sublime glory of God, it changed his life forever. Today, R.C. Sproul explains what the prophet witnessed when he gazed into the throne room of the Holy One. Get the 25th Anniversary Edition of 'The Holiness of God'...

The Fall of a Hero

9 Oct 2023

Even the greatest of our heroes can fall, but our holy God sits enthroned forever in glory. Today, R.C. Sproul looks at the lessons we should learn from the tragic death of King Uzziah. Get the 25th Anniversary Edition of 'The Holiness of God' with.....

Christ in Our Place

8 Oct 2023

On the cross, all the sins of God's people were placed upon Christ so that His righteousness would be imputed to all who trusts in Him for salvation. From his expositional series in the book of Romans, today R.C. Sproul teaches on this great exchange...

Death and the Intermediate State

7 Oct 2023

Death is not natural; it is the last enemy Christians must face in this fallen world. Today, R.C. Sproul helps us obtain a biblical understanding of death and what happens to God's people when they die. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of Systematic...

Thinking with a Discerning Mind

6 Oct 2023

In a pagan society that suppresses the truth, Christians must have minds that are transformed by the Holy Spirit and informed by the Word of God. Today, Peter Jones describes the kind of discernment that should set Christians apart. Get the 'Only Two...

Articulating a Biblical Worldview

5 Oct 2023

How can Christians speak the truth of God into a hostile, unbelieving society? Today, Peter Jones turns to Romans 1 to help us address the destructive worldviews around us with the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ. Get the 'Only Two Religions'...

Sharing the Gospel with Muslims

4 Oct 2023

We have been entrusted with a great calling to take the gospel of Christ to the people of this world, Muslims included. Today, James Anderson provides ten points of practical advice for engaging in evangelism with our Muslim neighbors. Get the 'Only....

Contending for Christianity

3 Oct 2023

What objections do Muslims raise against Christianity, and how can we respond in defense of our faith? Today, James Anderson helps us answer common objections and respond with challenges to the claims of Islam. Get the 'Exploring Islam' Teaching...

Christianity and Islam

2 Oct 2023

Since salvation is by God's grace, Christians can have assurance of their redemption in Christ. But our Muslim neighbors have no such hope. Today, James Anderson evaluates stark differences between Christianity and Islam. Get the 'Exploring Islam'...