Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

The Sacraments of the Church

16 Sep 2023

The Lord's Supper and baptism are signs and seals of God's redemptive promises to His church. Today, R.C. Sproul discusses the importance of the sacraments. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD Series for Your Gift of Any...

A Contrite Repentance

15 Sep 2023

What motivates our repentance? Are we sincerely remorseful about our sin, or do we simply fear punishment? Today, R.C. Sproul looks at the posture of humility that must accompany true repentance before the Lord. Get Two Teaching Series for Your Gift....

David’s Great Repentance

14 Sep 2023

As a consequence for David's great sin, scandal and heartbreak followed him for the rest of his days. Still, he knew that God was gracious in the midst of discipline. Today, R.C. Sproul looks at David's contrite heart of repentance and faith. Get Two...

Running Away from God

13 Sep 2023

When God calls us to lay our comfort aside, it's in our best interest to trust the One who chose us for the task. Today, R.C. Sproul describes the lengths Jonah went to flee from God and the Lord's tenacity in pursuing him. Get Two Teaching Series fo...

Building amidst Opposition

12 Sep 2023

Christians should not be surprised when opposition rises against the church--nor should we be discouraged. Today, R.C. Sproul gleans wisdom from the book of Nehemiah for Christians seeking the advance of God's kingdom today. Get Two Teaching Series.....

Be Strong and Courageous

11 Sep 2023

When we face challenges that seem insurmountable, we have this unfailing assurance: the Lord is with us wherever we go. Today, R.C. Sproul draws encouragement from God's promise to Joshua after the death of Moses. Get Two Teaching Series for Your Gif...

The Resurrection

10 Sep 2023

Jesus was crucified, dead, and buried. But the grave could not contain the holy Son of God. Continuing his expositional series in the gospel of Luke, today R.C. Sproul preaches on the bedrock foundation of our hope: Christ's resurrection in victory.....

Worship in the Church

9 Sep 2023

Why does the church gather together each week? It's more than fellowship and education. Ultimately, we gather for the worship of our holy God. Today, R.C. Sproul encourages us to offer worship to the Lord that is worthy of His name. Get the...

The Historical Narrative

8 Sep 2023

We have much to learn from the stories in Scripture, but we must be careful that we're learning only what they intend to teach. Today, R.C. Sproul voices the benefits and the challenges of studying the Bible's historical narratives. Get Two Digital.....

Reading the Bible Existentially

7 Sep 2023

To better understand how the Bible applies to us, we should consider how it applied to its first readers. Today, R.C. Sproul invites us to enter into the vibrant and dramatic context of God's Word. Get Two Digital Teaching Series for Your Gift of Any...

The Science of Interpretation

6 Sep 2023

We are privileged to read the Bible. But this privilege brings the responsibility of interpreting Scripture correctly. Today, R.C. Sproul introduces foundational rules, methods, and principles for drawing out the intended meaning of God's Word. Get.....

Scripture for Life: The Sufficiency of Scripture

5 Sep 2023

Why should people in the 21st century submit to an ancient book? Today, Stephen Nichols discusses the sufficiency of Scripture, reminding us that Scripture alone is the living Word of God. Get Two Digital Teaching Series for Your Gift of Any Amount:...

Why So Many Interpretations? The Clarity of Scripture and Interpretation

4 Sep 2023

Since Scripture is clear, why do Christians have disagreements about some of its teachings? Today, Stephen Nichols explains what we need in order to understand and interpret the Bible rightly. Get Two Digital Teaching Series for Your Gift of Any...

Jesus Dies

3 Sep 2023

As Jesus hung dying on the cross, the world was plunged into darkness. While the midday sun failed, the Son of God achieved perfect victory in His work of atonement. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his expositional series in the gospel of Luke and...

The Church: Catholic and Apostolic

2 Sep 2023

Can Protestants affirm the article in the Apostles' Creed that describes the true church as "catholic and Apostolic"? Today, R.C. Sproul conveys the rich biblical meaning behind these often-misunderstood terms. Get the 'Foundations: An Over...