Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Authority and Authorship

18 Jul 2023

Is the Bible an outdated collection of irrelevant religious writings? Today, R.C. Sproul teaches us the difference between the fallible writings of men and the infallible Word of God. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Hath God Said' on DVD with the....

What Is the Standard of Truth?

17 Jul 2023

Ever since the garden of Eden, Satan has been sowing doubt in God's Word. Today, R.C. Sproul examines these assaults on the truth and appeals to the trustworthiness of Scripture. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Hath God Said' on DVD with the...


16 Jul 2023

What could have led Judas to betray Jesus into the hand of His enemies? Today, R.C. Sproul continues his sermon series in the gospel of Luke to consider the motivations behind this diabolical action and its place in the sovereign plan of God. Get R.C...

Justification by Faith Alone

15 Jul 2023

The doctrine of justification by faith alone addresses this critical question: What must we do to be saved? Today, R.C. Sproul looks at the doctrine that Martin Luther upheld as the article by which the church stands or falls. Get the 'Foundations: A...

The Celestial City

14 Jul 2023

Every Christian's pilgrimage in this world will one day come to an end. Today, Derek Thomas describes Christian's arrival at the Celestial City in The Pilgrim's Progress and presents the lessons we can draw from this happy ending. Get 'The Pilgrim's....

The Delectable Mountains

13 Jul 2023

The Puritans called the Lord' Day "the market day of the soul," where God's people are strengthened and refreshed on their journey toward heaven. Today, Derek Thomas explores John Bunyan's illustration of the Delectable Mountains. Get 'The...

The Castle of Giant Despair

12 Jul 2023

God's people are not immune to doubt, discouragement, and depression. But even in these dreaded times, we have hope in Christ. Today, Derek Thomas explores one of the darkest yet most profound scenes in The Pilgrim's Progress. Get 'The Pilgrim's...

The Godless City: Vanity Fair

11 Jul 2023

While some dangers in the Christian life are easy to spot, others are more subtle and insidious. Today, Derek Thomas considers the seductive temptations of Vanity Fair in The Pilgrim's Progress. Get 'The Pilgrim's Progress' DVD Series and Digital...

The Valley of the Shadow of Death

10 Jul 2023

During difficult times, Christians can be vulnerable to temptation and doubt. Today, Derek Thomas opens The Pilgrim's Progress, the classic book by John Bunyan, to encourage us that God will not desert His people. Get 'The Pilgrim's Progress' DVD...

This Generation Will Not Pass Away

9 Jul 2023

Skeptics claim that some of Jesus' predictions in the Olivet Discourse failed to come true. Continuing his expositional series in the gospel of Luke, today R.C. Sproul shows that these words of Christ actually prove the absolute reliability of...

Effectual Calling

8 Jul 2023

Does God alone change the heart of a sinner, or does this change of heart also rely on the sinner's will? Today, R.C. Sproul helps us address this crucial question by contrasting two theological terms: monergism and synergism. Get the 'Foundations: A...

The Ninety-Five Theses

7 Jul 2023

Martin Luther grew concerned about the selling of indulgences and the message it sent to people who sought forgiveness for their sins. Today, R.C. Sproul shows how Luther's response unintentionally sparked the flames of the Reformation. Get the...

What Manner of Man Is This?

6 Jul 2023

When the disciples were caught in a fierce storm, they feared they were going to die. Once Jesus calmed the wind and the waves, however, they became even more afraid. Today, R.C. Sproul reveals what it is about Christ that makes people uneasy. Get th...


5 Jul 2023

Jesus' baptism marked the beginning of His public ministry. Today, R.C. Sproul looks closely at the baptism of Christ, explaining its importance in His life and its relevance for our salvation. Get the 'Reformed Basics' DVD Collection with R.C. Sprou...


4 Jul 2023

God's covenantal dealings with His creatures form the framework of redemptive history, and understanding the covenants is key to interpreting the Bible. Today, R.C. Sproul outlines the distinctive characteristics of these covenants. Get the 'Reformed...