Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Benefits of the Fear of God

1 Sep 2023

As we come to see how glorious and majestic God is, we are compelled to praise Him and bow down before the Lord in dependent prayer. Today, Michael Reeves describes the vibrant life that a right fear of God produces in us. Get Michael Reeves' New...

A Delightful Fear of God

31 Aug 2023

A true encounter with God's grace in the gospel cannot leave His people unaffected. His awesome goodness and love should cause our hearts to quake. Today, Michael Reeves shows why the fear of the Lord is a delight for Christians. Get Michael Reeves'....

A Dreadful Fear of God

30 Aug 2023

By nature, our sin drives us away from God, terrified of being exposed to His holy judgment. Today, Michael Reeves explains that this repulsing, sinful fear of God arises from a misunderstanding of who He is. Get Michael Reeves' New Teaching Series.....

Not All Fear Is the Same

29 Aug 2023

The most frequent command in Scripture is "Do not be afraid." Yet the Bible also calls us to fear. So, is fear a good thing or a bad thing? Today, Michael Reeves shows how the fear of the Lord puts all other fears in their proper place. Get...

The Fear of the Lord

28 Aug 2023

What does it mean to fear the Lord? Does Scripture teach Christians to be afraid of God? Today, Michael Reeves sits down with Nathan W. Bingham for a discussion that brings clarity and reveals the surprising delight of fearing God. Get Michael Reeves...

The Crucifixion

27 Aug 2023

Even as He hung dying on the cross, Jesus prayed for those who mocked Him and spoke words of great consolation to the man crucified beside Him. Continuing his sermon series in the gospel of Luke, today R.C. Sproul beholds Christ's priestly ministry i...

The Church: One and Holy

26 Aug 2023

The church is the only institution in history which has received God's absolute guarantee that it will not ultimately fail in its mission. Today, R.C. Sproul examines the unity, holiness, and power of the true church of Jesus Christ. Get the...

The Lightlings

25 Aug 2023

Many people are afraid of the dark, but why are others afraid of the light? Today, R.C. Sproul reads his children's book The Lightlings to help parents and grandparents explain the key biblical themes of creation, fall, and redemption. Get R.C....

The Knight’s Map

24 Aug 2023

The Knight's Map is a story of a knight who undertakes a dangerous journey full of bad advice and wrong turns. Will he trust the map provided by the King? Gather the family and listen today as R.C. Sproul reads his children's tale about the Bible's.....

The Battle with the Devil

23 Aug 2023

Many people today believe that Satan is a myth, while some Christians have gone to the opposite extreme, attributing all kinds of experiences to the devil. Today, R.C. Sproul examines the Bible's teaching about Satan. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Serie...

The Battle with the Flesh

22 Aug 2023

As Christians, we are continually at war with the flesh. But what is "the flesh," and how can we overcome it? Today, R.C. Sproul explains this biblical term and provides wisdom for defeating this enemy. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'Pl...

The Battle with the World

21 Aug 2023

God commands His people not to be conformed to this fallen world, but that isn't a calling to isolate ourselves from secular society. Today, R.C. Sproul presents what it really means to be a Christian nonconformist. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series....

Lamentation on the Road to Calvary

20 Aug 2023

Women wept for Jesus as He carried His cross to Calvary. Why did He tell them to weep rather for themselves and for their children? Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of the gospel of Luke to describe the grave judgment that awaited Israel.....

Biblical Images of the Church

19 Aug 2023

The church is a much richer and deeper reality than a mere building where we attend services. Today, R.C. Sproul explores the nature, function, and mission of the visible and invisible church. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology'...

The Believer's Final Rest

18 Aug 2023

Many details about heaven haven't yet been revealed to us. But this we know: In heaven, Christians will experience a rest that none of us has yet experienced. Today, R.C. Sproul describes the final destination of the Christian life. Get Guy Waters'.....