Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Death and the Intermediate State

17 Aug 2023

Death is not natural; it is the last enemy Christians must face in this fallen world. Today, R.C. Sproul helps us obtain a biblical understanding of death and what happens to God's people when they die. Get Guy Waters' Latest Book 'Facing the Last...

How Do I Prepare for Death? Spiritual Preparations

16 Aug 2023

Each one of us will die, if the Lord should tarry. But we must not wait until the end of this life to ready ourselves--preparation begins now. Today, Guy Waters provides five ways to prepare ourselves spiritually for death. Get 'Facing the Last Enemy...

How Do I Help the Dying and Grieving?

15 Aug 2023

God's Word speaks both to the reality of death and to our responsibility to care for the dying. Today, Guy Waters presents biblical principles for ministering to people who are nearing death and to others who are grieving. Get 'Facing the Last Enemy:...

How Do I Face the Death of Others?

14 Aug 2023

Christians, no less than anyone else, must bear the grief that attends the death of those we love. Yet we do not grieve as the rest of the world does. Today, Guy Waters gives us five encouragements from Scripture that help us grieve in faith. Get...

Jesus on Trial

13 Aug 2023

Though Jesus stood trial before high priests and governors, no true fault could be found in Him. Nevertheless, He was condemned to die. Continuing his expositional series in the gospel of Luke, today R.C. Sproul contrasts the treachery of the accuser...

Perseverance of the Saints

12 Aug 2023

Is it possible for a Christian to lose his or her salvation? Today, R.C. Sproul analyzes several passages from the Bible that can help us think through the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of Systematic...

A New Creation

11 Aug 2023

Through faith in Christ, we leave a life of sin and judgment and enter a new life of pardon and forgiveness. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reveals how, in union with Christ, we begin to experience the reversal of the horrors caused by Adam's fall. Get...

Adam and Christ

10 Aug 2023

Unless we understand the cosmic significance of two men--Adam and Christ--we won't understand the significance of history or of our Christian lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson conveys how one man brought death while another brings life. Get Sinclair...

Dimensions of Our Union

9 Aug 2023

Though our faith in Christ may falter, the union we now have with Him can never be severed. Today, Sinclair Ferguson outlines three dimensions of our union with the Lord that shape our identity and guide our Christian lives. Get Sinclair Ferguson's.....

Getting into Christ

8 Aug 2023

In Christ, we have everything we need. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reveals how the Apostle Paul's desires and priorities were utterly transformed by his union with the Lord Jesus, a change that is granted to Christians today. Get Sinclair Ferguson's...

In Christ

7 Aug 2023

Two simple words, "in Christ," encapsulate all the glorious benefits and blessings of the Christian life. Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to show us the profound meaning of this phrase that permeates the New Testament. Get Sinclair Ferguson...

Jesus at Gethsemane

6 Aug 2023

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus agonized in prayer as the hour approached for Him to endure the wrath of God for the sins of His people. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his sermon series in the gospel of Luke and considers what Jesus' prayer reveals....


5 Aug 2023

There is no fast track for growing in holiness. Today, R.C. Sproul explores the ongoing, day-by-day process of sanctification that takes place throughout the life of every Christian. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD Serie...


4 Aug 2023

Considered one of the most pivotal figures in the history of philosophy, Plato's ideas still impact our world today. Today, R.C. Sproul helps us understand the important principles and paradigms posed by this ancient thinker. Get R.C. Sproul's 'The.....


3 Aug 2023

The skepticism and disillusionment we see in our own day are nothing new. Today, R.C. Sproul explains how the ancient philosopher Socrates defended the pursuit of truth and virtue in a decadent society. Get R.C. Sproul's 'The Consequences of Ideas'.....